
Responses from gregm

Is it Audio, or is it Art?
a pair of Chord monoblocks for $75,000, as electronic gear it is completely absurd, but when viewed as a piece of artwork (sculpture) 75 grand is unexceptionalMust be an established and exceptional artist to sell that high, dont you think?Overall ... 
Audio Tweak gone bad...similar experiences?
There are, now, silver pennies available for audiophile applications -- and cryogenically treated for a small premium. Silver is a better conductor as you all know.Silver dollars, dimes, etc, mentioned above won't do: they have the wrong gauge for... 
Questions about SACD vs.analog for classical music
Ted sez:All the the most accomplished classical musicians I've ever known personally ... seem complacent with the worst low- to mid-fi sound systemsQuite naturally so. If you love music, you don't need a superlative system to listen to music. If y... 
Speaker Distortion or Room Interaction ?
Shadorne -- the ATC 100 are quite large, and very expensive. They are also active so there go frenchfries' Mark Levs. OTOH they're also good spkrs IMO -- better than the present ones -- but they still won't reproduce the scale of a Mahler 8. 
Speaker Distortion or Room Interaction ?
for the $$$ involved with an upgrade, i'd like to get alot closer to that ideal. or do you reach the point i have where you have speakers with 20-20 freq. response and incredible musicality, and just call it a day, forgoing the ability to re-creat... 
Best Integrated for JM Labs Micro Utopia BE
Forgive my stating the obvious, but have you considered local products (Accuphase for example: you live in Japan, no?) -- rather than pay for transportation & tax & duties...Cheers 
Subtlety ? do any American amps do it?
A Bear Labs mosfet stereo?? Now THAT's what I'd call a serious product with a down-to-earth, no BS power supply -- indeed a healthy relation b/ween output VA to power supply VA. Nothing wrong with good, basic design principles and no short-cuts, i... 
single driver with bass...????
Simplify things and get a second, separately amplified unit for the bass. OR get ready to work on a transmission line/ back horn/etc AND even there, you'll have trouble getting the phase right. There are available plans for cabinets around the Jor... 
Whats a Good arm upgrade for Unify in Clearaudio ?
would the naim unipivot work on the clearaudio...?Well, I listened to a Champion wearing a Naim & it sounded fine... Bit overkill perhaps (doesn't the arm cost more than the TT?)Cheers 
High end amp - my last step
I've had some limited experience trying yr spkrs (2-3 yrs old, mind you) with a few amps (mostly stereo). I'll also assume that you'll be staying with dynamic spkrs...'s what I liked (in no order):Goldmund mimesis 18(?)* (monos -- not v... 
Best Integrated Amp You Ever Heard?
I just think an amp has to reveal (...) presence, fast attack and decay, tempo and dynamicsMuch of what you seek requires good upper bass & hi freq reproduction in phase. So, spkrs are (a big) part of the equation too.Speakign of amps, one bra... 
ribbon tweeters
The speakers in question are Mission 770, that I picked up for a songJeeez, I thought you were referring to Martin Logan (mentioned in yr "system")!!Of COURSE you can play around. Hi Vi & B&G could be (cheap) contenders -- for a more expen... 
Whats a Good arm upgrade for Unify in Clearaudio ?
You might stick to unipivots: the big Moerch (6), the Naim unipivot, the small Scroeder. OTOH, I've always enjoyed the Unify whenever I've listened to it -- is there s/thing you don't like about it?? The arms I mention are expensive (bar the Moerc... 
Who's Replaced Odyssey amps/ Extreme / Klaus
Talk2me: more dynamic impulse & energy (if you will), of the music is conveyed. This was with well positioned spkrs.Also pls note that (AFAI remember) nobody found faults/gross negatives, etc, with the Odysseys either... 
Do Audiophiles really like music?
Elizabeth sez:i think sometimes audiophiles get caught up in judging the equipment, and when doing that, it is hard to be caught up in the music True. Likewise, they can get caught up in the music and miss out in judging equipment:) Happens to me ...