
Responses from gregm

Break-in factor rqd for new cd player?
Adsal, my CDP also took ~300 hrs. Sutts, check out the heat on the player's platter -- if there is a slight smell (don't worry) or the CDs you're playing are warm, follow sugarbrie's advice very carefully.Happy listening! 
To tone control or not to tone control
Artemus, I tried the old pre (BTW, a NAD; not Cambridge -- sorry), between the CDP & the main pre. Although it doesn't overload on low volume, the sound is, well... like throwing a blanket over the speakers. Strangely enough, the tone controls... 
Table only as good as it s cartridge?
Lolo, I'll follow on from caterham's motto. My personal view (after some 20-odd analogue yrs) is that a good, well set-up & supported TT deck with a modest cartridge will invariably outperform a modest, poorly set up & supported platter wi... 
krell Ksa-50s and SF electa amator I,
I listened to EA II driven by Krell 100, YBA Passion, and Symphonic Line RG7 -- but not your KSA 50s. Pre and source were YBA. Cabling was ART and bearlabs. To my ears, the YBA gave the most (musically) involving results -- it made the amators "co... 
Help out a Young Audiophile
your wish to make your resume "stand out" by applying off the beaten track (i.e. e-cruiters, recruiters, and/or directly), I was also surprised at your post... Also am not clear as to what exactly (position) tickles your fancy in the communication... 
krell Ksa-50s and SF electa amator I,
Hi, Alberto. Incidentally, a friend is solliciting amplification opinion for his EA II. Is your thread a question, or a suggestion?Cheers. 
rega p3/ ittok
Hi, Chrisher. A: ditto, above. B: I *did* happen to hear a R3 / Ittok / Archiv, some years ago. I do not remember being impressed by the sound -- far from it... BUT, again, maybe the arm was incorrectly mounted as per Caterham's point. I suppose y... 
I need some help
... the Forum page, here on A-gon. There were some car audio threads running some time ago...Good luck! 
Your Analog Front End
Zarathustra S4 /Pluto 6A prestige arm (rewired) / Clearaudio Discovery "special". Have had it for 12 yrs (the cartridge is new, ofcourse). I took a long trip getting there, with a succession of TTs. Thorens 160, Rega, Linn/Ittok (Valhala - no cirk... 
Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???
A $ (or euro) 0,02 "burned" vs. raw cable, blind testing experiment. Unanimously, "burned in" cables sounded better overall: slightly more musical (I use the word as proposed in the posts following Detlof's thread on the subject), also, thicker ba... 
To tone control or not to tone control
Artemus, Bob, referring to Bruce's suggestion & your results. I have an old Cambridge pre with tone controls. I'll try it out and get back to you if anything musically worthwile... emerges...Yours, (in further negative votes)! 
Martin Logan Accent vrs SL3s
Well.. "The Wall" is not exactly what I would label "orchestral".Sorry. 
Martin Logan Accent vrs SL3s
Hi, Lev. One of the two, the SL3 I beleive, is more difficult to drive. I happened to audition the two comparatively at a dealer's -- pls note, not at home. I listened to orchestral music ("Thus Spake Zarathustra", audiophile recording, what else/... 
Transforming a UK Rega into a US Rega
Hi. Yr rega probably runs @230V / 50 Hz, as per Euro standards. You may be able to get an inexpensive power transformer (110/60 --> 230/50). I have used such an item, the other way round (I live in Europe). This must be frustrating for U -- if ... 
A latecomer, forgive me. Difficult to discipline myself to 5. Here goes:Miles Davis, "Bitches Brew" (LP)Bach, St Matthews Passion / Klemperer (LP / CD emi art)J Campbell, "One Beleiver" (LP)J L Hooker, "Kabuki Wuki" (LP)Mahler 1st. Symphony / B Wa...