
Responses from gregm

Absolute Best power amp, tube ss
I'd add KR-8000 and Jadis (#??) monos to the Lamms, for tubes. Also vote for FM Acoustics ltd ed. and the big Pass, for ss.Would like to hear some of the other some mentioned; would love to be able to afford the likes of FM Acoustics, too... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Martin Logan Statements (powered by Cello) long time ago. Recently, A-Physics Medea (driven by S-Line Kraft monos). Aural memory failing me, I can't chose b/tween the 2, sorry. Quite a few speakers suggested above I'd like to hear though... 
Best component ever for the ...
Emily, interesting. Where, in particular, do you use the DIY isloation squares? My contribution: take empty cigarillo (or flat cigarette) boxes, bore a hole, and thread cables through them. An effortless way of keeping power cords away from signal... 
Cat s new stereo amplifier
I do mean "Don't hesitate to contact me if you think my impressions with that set-up are relevant to you".Sorry.. 
Cat s new stereo amplifier
I will be auditioning the CAT Ultimate/power amp combo this coming W/E. Not vs. an AR, though... Also, speakers will be A-Physics (starting with Avanti, Caldera, Medea; as far as the amp will go), rather than your Wilsons. Note: this will take pla... 
Transforming a UK Rega into a US Rega
Good news, Shersta! Philips here finally came up with a proposal (vari-speed 110/60 motor) priced at the bagatelle of $ +/-250. You're better off with Lauerman, etc., methinks.Good listening! 
Essential Classical
For Symphonie Fantastique I also recommend Munch/CSO (japanese EMI - CD). IMO Munch is dramatic where Sir Colin (my pal, too) is lyrical...Kitch29, the tympani in the LSO version do sound as if they "acquiesce" (softer) with the preceding passage ... 
Rate the Audiophile Publications
An interesting info site also deals with this subject. Go to and check out "reviewing the reviewers". Got this from a relevant thread here at a-gon. In essence, the writer agrees with sqjudge.I, too, read mags f... 
Listening chair
A comfortable armchair, big enough to squat in, if needs be. Good lighting, room to place glass (wine/malt)& ashtray (cigar smokes), at less than arms' length. It is important to be able to perform important tasks (smoking, drinking) without d... 
Alphason tonearm - reviews?
How bad's the damage, on which Alphason arm? Hope for you the main tubing isn't broken or badly bent (it would look irretrievable...) and the arm is not the S100.Can U claim some (at least) damage & go for another arm??Best of luck.. 
The "Broken Blue Point Special Club"
Dickens, the price was $~100 incl shipping. I got a $200 credit towards the purchase of the Clearaudio Discovery ($+2000, retail) a year ago. 
Where will be hi-end audio in 2050?
Fpeel, the music will be available only on mobile, 69G technology. (Wires are an artifact of the past). Auditioning: virtual. Panel-style speakers will double as a wall, exotic models will also allow video & virtual-reality experience. Latest ... 
The "Broken Blue Point Special Club"
Seems I hold the B-BPS record (to-date). TWO cartrigdes, retipped 3x each. Became a regular chez V den Hul retipping services. Started out, as a self-respecting audiophile, yanking the cantilever while dusting the TT (hi-level resolution is infini... 
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
As Caterham, I also had a happy experience (yrs ago) using a fast pre coupled w/ valve powers. The set up was a DNM 6 driving EAR 519 cap modofied monos, driving Apogee Stage speakers. Felt like the DNM kept the EARs rocking.But that was back then... 
Best Thread in Audiogon.
I would add Detlof's "What is Musicality", to the above... previous posts having spared me the dire task of choosing only one. Thank you, Kareoke, Dekay, Tireguy, Trelja for directing my attention to threads I did not know (being relatively new to...