
Responses from gregm

John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
J, I tried to correct those votings... but, how could you tell no money got negatives? BTW, tried a different cord on my cdp. It still sounds different (to me) than the previous one. I'll live with it, what else can I do?Cheers 
Any DIYer s out there ?
Grungle: try a making a fancy PC out of good quality rat-shack cord. Get a strip of SSTP or similar wire (with multiple foil and mesh shielding). Given the wire diametre, get +1,0" diam outer tubing (ptfe, if you can find it. If not, whatever "goo... 
Carl hears through Diamond
Carl: Why not Tchaikovski 1812 overture for openers -- to help activate the neighbouring counties.Re: cables. If opportunity arises could you give (burned-in) bearlabs a go too?Thanks! 
Monoblocks or upgrade to larger amp?
So, pls help: final verdict? Two S100 or one 250 (or wait for Mk4?)? A friend's been plaguing me for the answer -- and I don't know the machines AT ALL! He's got Avanti IIIs to drive.Thanks!Greg 
Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??
Any Silver Arrow Mercs laying around? I'm ready to trade in my quattro fils -- nay, even a few kms of Valhalla -- for one of those. Detlof, I have a Maybach in the back yard. Interested? (would consider exchanging for yr Silver...) 
Power cords - snake oil?
Ditto, D-K above. Also, if you get 1 pc on trial, try first on pre or cdp; when connected, let the pre/cdp play a bit before you embark on serious listening. 
A. Eidolon v. JM Lab Utopia
Heard both, on different occasions & about 2-3 yrs ago. So, pls, don't be mislead by what I (think) I remember.Utopias I heard were driven by an Ongaku (no sound), Krell mono (Bmpnyc speaks for me), Spectral (superbe). Eidolons were driven by ... 
Stereophile's refusal to review more low
No money, if no-one purchased from companies short of advertising cash, such companies would never reach the point of solvency (advertising or other) of ML, Krell, Linn, B&W, etc. So, any new Co with little seed capital is doomed to go belly u... 
Thanks Lak, Bear Lab cable is the best
Manzoor, what's your system? (sorry for new post, the edit function isn't working). 
Confused newbie
Following Caterham's, IMO excellent, advice I could add Pro-ject: good construction for price level, errs slightly towards analytical vs. "musical". In this last respect, I find that many (most) modern TT designs favour "sound extracting ability" ... 
Thanks Lak, Bear Lab cable is the best
Good for you, Manzoor! Larry, I use S-Thunders -- in fact, i have bearlabs throughout the main system (ss). Connected "out of the box", the Thunders made a perceptible difference over the Nordost SPM refs I was previously using. For one, they soun... 
World Music: Great Suggestions, please?
Many thanks for the suggestions so far. I'm making a hard copy, hoping to hit the stores this W/E. Any more matl is welcome!Cheers,Greg. 
Is Genesis Out of Business?
Kpabila, you're lucky to get that voice. I'm still expecting an answer to the *repeated* mail I sent them 3 & 1 1/2 months ago! 
Stereophile's refusal to review more low
Hope the butter won't be rancid, Fpeel, by the time it reaches us! 
Best tweak
I use a black marker on the outer edge of redbook cd's. It helps absorb reflections during playback. Not as exciting as Subaru's set-up, but seems to help resolution.