
Responses from gregm

Laid back that good or bad?
Otoohot, the 336 is versatile in my experience. What's the pre you're using? I've heard a 336 play (with a 38s) "laid back" in the sense of being relaxed, detailed w/out being dynamic -- keeping me on my feet, as it were. I also heard the same 336... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Stereo: "listening at whatever volume I wish, drinking whatever I want, with whomever I choose". WOW! What's the magic formula -- do you offer consulting services? 
Phono cable for Thorens TD 320 MK III
Sorry I forgot: this can be an expensive undertaking -- between $100-200 is my estimate. This money COULD buy you another arm (used SME maybe?)Cheers! 
Definin' the blues (humor)
Failed to find Willie, sorry. DID find two German blues samplers, however: one from the Inak label (German; as to Bavarian, I don't know!) containing people such as, The Blues Company, Toscho & The Blues Company, Bernard Allison Gp (son of Lut... 
Phono cable for Thorens TD 320 MK III
Hi Diavlos, yes to soldering (see X above). However the arm cable does not need to be modded (it has 4 wires & a mesh); you have to thread it through the arm, securing it in the back of the arm. Then you can terminate in a little box (as Xieki... 
Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.
Wouldn't worry about bias... after all it's your ears, your experience that you're sharing (and that's what makes your posts interesting)!As to other suggestions: maybe try some different geometry, cheap but reportedly, well performing cables like... 
Definin' the blues (humor)
Ozfly, Detlof, I *think* I can locate "Willie" and other (german) blues. Something I heard on a Clearaudio recording ??Will report back when I get home.Cheers! 
Is Genesis out of business?
Myoussif, any news? Did FedEx make it to your house with the relay (or Bill to FedEx, FedEx to your place).Good luck, I'm still battling to secure a woofer & a mid-bass coupler for my system! 
Have you heard SACD?
So the mod is finally kicking in, Detlof! I'm between two stools about factory-modding my cdp to play SACD. It's a 2 month, $ 1,5k extra investment...I too like sacd sound -- particularly the dsd recordings (as opposed to conversions).Cheers! 
Quads or Maggies?
Just a small addition to Detlof & Red (good to see you back, Red!), I have found big Maggies more system dependent than Quads -- i.e. I have made 63s sing MUCH more easily than the Maggie. Pls note however, this was with the old 3's... 
Cable shoot-out: FIM against Valhalla
Tek, having reached stratospheric price levels, why not try some inexpensive alternatives while you're at it -- 47 lab OTA, bearlabs & similar come to mind.The OTA comes in a kit so, Anyone out there who can lend one?Cheers! 
Phono cable for Thorens TD 320 MK III
Diavlos: what's the arm? Changing the cable on the Thorens supplied one is finicking but well worth the trouble. You'll get the technician to run it through from cartridge straight to pre rca's. V d Hul, Clearaudio are good cable choices -- there ... 
Reynaud vs. Spendor vs. Harbeth vs. Linn
I think you'll enjoy the 3/5a & Reynaud, for musicality (not for extension, ultimate resolution, etc). The Tukans I found best in active mode -- which is not what you're looking for. I haven't experienced the Harbeth model.The A-Physics "Step"... 
Amp suggestions
Alternatively, and if you like the Stratos' sound, you could purchase another Stratos and bi-amp yr set-up -- or bridge the Stratos... It would cost less, too.Why not ask Odyssey if they have any bright ideas? The Dynaudios are nice speakers IMO, ... 
which cd player class A to use straight into amp
There are many cdp's with variable volume output including M.Lev's own, Wadia,, your ears are the ultimate judge! For suggestions however, some more info would help: your musical tastes, type of sound you like, etc.As to whether it's a go...