
Responses from gregm

Recordings that trounce your system?
Deven, which havoc-making record is that? BTW, most decca recordings of K Ferrier & Fischer-Dieskau (on emi) can trounce the system: very difficult to get the tonality of voice & accompanying piano right!Cheers 
Your System vs. Live Music, or how close to live..
Even discounting the visual ambience, no-where near. As mentioned by Rc, Jvia, Slartibartfast and Mzn50 above, reproduced music is just that: reproduced. A beautiful experience, nevertheless, and one that offers some advantages over live: where ca... 
Recordings that trounce your system?
Driver, is that Civic the dual mono or the hi-current version? Cheers! 
Recordings that trounce your system?
Love the 1812 stories, LOL! I tried the Telarc on my (then) new cartridge. Had spent 1hr setting it up to *perfection* while system was warming up, etc. Played the final, cannonball, track and... nothing happened! I.e., the arm tracked perfectly w... 
How do i get replacement drivers from Genesis
The aluminium cones are mid-bass couplers. My V's also have two, visually different, 8" woofers. I am looking for the original manufacturer but haven't located them yet.Any way we can pool resources on this issue? No-one I have contacted seems to ... 
Hall of Shame
Sean, I'm starting to share yr view regarding pre's & amps from the same manufacturer. And this, after advocating the opposite for some time for sonic & electronic compatibility.As you say, VERY different voicing -- astounding! Funnily eno... 
Could you imagine?
Let's set up an A'gon expedition to find said cellar..!Won't a KT88 glut bring down prices though? Maybe we should revert to creating technical shortages... Who's taking on the role of World Sales VP when we find the cellar? 
Amp w/s Outstanding Midrange
By experience I can second ALL (but the eVo) of the above and add:*Jadis (if you like tube)*Symphonic Line RG10 or Kraftquelle*YBA integreCheers! 
Best city between these two?
Have lived in London and (originally from) Paris. My US experience is limited to a few cities, so I can speak about characteristics that yr fiancee (I assume it's "she") may enjoy:small cafes, restaurants or brasseries, creative shops (any thing f... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Ahem, Detlof (polite cough), music thru a Goldmund Reference? They must have been on their absolutely best-mannered behaviour :^)!Similarly, I pulled out a Symphonic Line pre, to test it against a mega$ offering. I can assure you it surpassed itse... 
New format players the future?
Hi JD (good to see U!) -- SACD's challenge is that DVD-V+SACD+Redbook players prevail as standard (my opinion). Otherwise, how can the (mass) marketplace sustain the presently confusing plethora of multi-players. In the interim, good redbook playb... 
Hovland Cable plugs
I share your preference for Fritz, Detlof. There's also Toscanini's/NBC 1940 recording and (dare I mention this) Karajan's/Berliner 1972 version. All single-ended, ofcourse!Gladstone, sorry for usurping yr thread! On topic, may I strongly suggest ... 
Subwoofer ratings by Widescreen Review mag
Sean, and the address is... Thanks from me too for posting the SWoofer info! Cheers! 
Hovland Cable plugs
Cornfed, I for one, beleive that Celibidache or Klemperer sound best of all -- on Mozart's mass!Cheers! 
need amp advice
Ditto above, OR ("overkill"), buy yourself a GOOD PRE for Xmas and keep the Yamaha as a power amp for now. There are many (used) options in yr price-range, Adcom being one, Plinius another, cj yet another.IMO, buy yourself THE BEST PRE for yr ears...