
Responses from gregm

Low watt system for rock,electronica?
Ray, as Audiokin, above implies, the system you described and liked answers your own question -- doesn't it :)! I.e.:Single driver main speaker, no crossover if possible / subwoofer for say 200Hz, down. This driver (a Lowther in Rethm's case) has ... 
Shop w/me
Hmmm, that's a tough load. If you find a pot rated at 220kOhm or higher & yr source has a benign output impedance (say ~150 Ohm or lower) with the usual voltage, you should be able to do it! If you set it up and listen at various volume levels... 
Does 1/2" make a difference at 375 Hz ?
Hmmm 5" shift is supposedly imperceptible, esp at the low end of the ear's critical range. Maybe it's "imperceptibly better" as duke notes above. You've checked the new drivers' parametres of course (or are they, frame excepted, otherwise identica... 
Shop w/me
If you're not doing this already through a cd/sacdp volume, you might try out the Klimax + short-listed speakers combo with a (passive) attenuator. This experiment will help you gauge timbre & tonality with the speakers under consideration. In... 
CAT owners, Ideas for best NOS for SL1 MKIII
I've used rca, telefunken, and siemens (for 6922). I ended up with siemens because I liked the sound (neutral-"ish" and preserved / enhanced the dynamics) and, mostly, because there were 4 available whose characteristics "matched".FWIW, it wasn't ... 
Shop w/me
The Klimax *should* be able to drive the Kharma -- as to whether you like the result... you MUST try the speakers (any short-listed speaker) with your amps.As to a suitable pre-amp: Linn makes its own which is expensive; admittedly, it's also very... 
Tube /SS Question
Craig-First of all, compatibility. As Kkursula suggests, check out:*each amp's input impedance*the Creek's impedance rating (or, its volume pot's)*your source's OUTput impedance & voltage ratings.That will give an idea if the match (i.e. passi... 
How far has speaker technology come?
Clarity, imaging, detail, presentation... in dynamic speakers, should be better with contemporary mid-level offerings. Drive units' materials have evolved, so have design and production processes, making once expensive models more reasonable.Also ... 
Manley Steelhead Tube Rolling
I second the above. In theory, you can improve upon the stock tubes complement (with tubes sporting closer tolerances, vacuum, etc, to the originals' specs) -- but it would be a very expensive undertaking... sort of like a small, self-financed, Ph... 
"Power hungry" speakers
Eldatford -- few recordings are actually made at 0db, containing "optimum" dynamic range of the (digital) medium. Mostly thiongs are compressed and, as you note, processed. So, the actual sound level can go up & down -- accordingly, don't we o... 
beryllium vs diamond
In theory, the "diamond" ceramic tweet "should" have better extension & resolution than the be. Sound propagation is extremely fast & distortion characteristics are, allegedly, benign. The accuton diamond has a very low res frequency @ ~90... 
"Power hungry" speakers
Actually, Sean, passive x-overs CAN be great:) Passive LINE-level x-overs yield excellent! Goodbuy opamps (good thing, IMO), hello caps (not so good). Or, one could use coils (less losses than caps -- BUT who's got the patience & the workmansh... 
beryllium vs diamond
Has today's dome tweeter better resolving power than the venerable electrostat? IMO traditional stats' strength lay in the "mids" range (i.e. s/where within the critical range for our ears ~150-10kHz). Modern tweeters are usually hi-passed at 2-3k... 
directional arrows on interconnects
To Oxia-Being a subjectivist myself, I'm amazed that a certain amount of subjectively audible phenomena in our hobby, are not magical as I initially thought -- but are quite well known to engineers working in different fields (and obviously engine... 
A difficult LP reproduction question
Dear Albert & others: two links, one for multicurveriaa, and another for a downloadable strobe. The latter also offers riaas and other equip for 78rpm. While you probably know these links, I'm mentioning them just-in-case...Cheers.