
Responses from goatwuss

Behringer DEQ2496 - worth using in hi-end system?
I, like many audiophiles, have many sources that I use to listen to music. DVD player, CD Player, Record Player, Ipod, PS2, ...I would like to explore the possibility of using the Behringer for all sources.For those of you who have just set this u... 
B&W N802 vs FOCAL 937Be
Build quality on the B&Ws is better if that matters to you.They are both big box speakers with different house flavors. They both have metal tweeters. Only you can decide which you like better after the audition.Out of the two, I would probabl... 
Pass X1 / X250 - how to get a bit foregivable ???
So , summing up, upgrade your:amppreamppower conditioningpower cordsicsspeaker cablesand room.Only then will you get the sound you are looking for!Good luck!!! 
Tone -- What's It All About?
While it is true that an expert can get good tone out of a crappy instrument, it is also true that a novice can get good tone out of an instrument that has good tone to begin with.I certainly think 'tone' is an appopriate word to describe a stereo... 
Digital Cable Tuner - Can I buy and use my own??
Chadnliz - Most electronics like that come with a 3 year manufacturer warranty or something. 
Best monitor under 5k?
If you like neutral sound, seek out dynaudio - Special 25, C1, S1.4, 1.3SE 
Digital Cable Tuner - Can I buy and use my own??
Thanks elizabeth...Hm, guess I'm stuck with the crappy comcast box ( : 
WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value
Wow, a lot of strong feelings towards a "harmless" ad.I think it's a great ad. Wilson products are expensive, and it is easy for someone to feel "wow, $28k Wp8s, i'll bet they cost $1k to make, what a ripoff," etc... But the ad serves to remind th... 
Zu Druid or Tone + sub
buying any speaker unheard = bad idea 
magnepan 1.6 needs help in the bass
I'm considering a pair of 1.6s.Would the Plinius SA102 be an adequate amp? Class A, 125WPC into 8ohms, 250WPC into 4.Thanks 
contradictory communication
Swamp - LOL, the mystery third 
DK Design Review
This thread is a "good value." 
contradictory communication
MrTennis - Unfortunately, the term 'warm' to describe playback is inconsitent among audiophiles. To you, clearly it means "loss of detail in the treble region." To BigTee, 'warm' means midrange body, and may be irrelevent to the upper register.To ... 
What will beat ear 834p by a margin
Pedrillo - By no means am I trying to "diss" your equipment, this is just what I found in my experience.I've heard the Hovland preamp at about 5k, the Supratek Syrah at around $3k, and the Nagra PlP which is a bit more, all sounded AMAZING with th... 
What will beat ear 834p by a margin
Pedrillo - I know this thread is about phono stages... but I think you can make a much more important improvement to your playback at this juncture...I love Sim, but every system I've heard with the P-5 have sounded cold, dry and non-musical. Swap...