
Responses from goatwuss

B&W 803D and Pathos Classic One
Rocky2889 - You've auditioned the B&Ws, right? 
WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value
Porschecab - Have you personally had a bad experience with wilson speakers or their service and quality? Or do you feel such strong hate towards Wilson because of what you've heard other people say? 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Simon,I'm also running a Denon 103R at 0.25mv on my Syrah, and I have more gain than I would ever use, and the hum and tube rush are both non-noticable when music is playing.It sounds like something fishy... 
Dynaudio 72SE vs. S3.4
The Contour has much better quality / better looking cabinetry. 
Low-end Question
DON't DO IT!!!Put together a simple, 2 channel audio system. Don't use your TV's speakers!For around $300 you can buy a pair of GREAT sounding speakers, look into Ascend and Axiom. These will sound 1000% better than what your TV is capable of. 
listening to music in the car
Sbrtoy - You say that you have listened to hundreds of car systems - Are these stock and factory "upgrade" systems? Or are these real, custom audio installations?No matter what the stock system (Lexus ML, VW Dynaudio, ...) or factory upgrade is, i... 
Von Scheikert VR4jr in a small room .
Ethifi - that 10 foot wall is really going to be a limiting factor in that room.Even if it was a 50 x 10 ft room, you'd still have the 10' wall messing things up.You will either have the speakers too close together on the 10 foot wall, or if you t... 
New 11' x 7' listening room....small speaker?
For an average sound room, you don't want any dimension smaller than 15' or so, with the other dimension being at least a couple feet longer. You want to avoid square rooms.So 15' x 18' would be pretty good for a small pair of speakers, 25' x 19' ... 
About the new Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 8
You say - "By the way, if you read the Stereophile review of the MAXX they talk about how good they sound in a small room about the size of mine; don't believe them."Don't worry, I don't believe anything that Stereophile says ( : 
About the new Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 8
Hi Hifi - Sorry, I must have missed that line. It looked a lot like you were saying "The caravelles are a better speaker because they soujnd better than the MAXXs in a small room." If what you were saying is "the caravelles have a better high-end ... 
Car Audio
I think I may have some relevant experience here.I know home audio well, and I know what accurate, high-fidelity sound using live unamplified orchestral music as a reference sounds like.You aren't going to get this in a car.However, for the 99.9% ... 
What's up with Talon?
they look cool, too.the speakers, that is 
About the new Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 8
Hifimaniac - I read your "David vs. Goliath" review.So pretty much you're saying that the Caravelles sound better than the MAXXs in your 13 x 18 ft room....That's like trying to drive a Farrari on a 10 foot track, you'd be better off with a go-kar... 
avoiding component purchase errors :part 2
9rw - Didn't your parents ever tell you "if you don't have anything nice to say...."If a thread bores you, don't read it, let alone actually replying to it. Why waste your precious time? 
Listening at very low volume
For those of you considering a quality pair of headphones... just get it over with, and buy a pair of Sennheiser 650s and a cheap tube headphone amp like a MG Head OTL or a MF X-Can.Guaranteed, it will be some of the best $500 something total you'...