
Responses from goatwuss

Please help me buy an iPod
Unsounds - Rock on man. Your wife is going to love it. Easy one of the best $500 purchases I've ever made. I use mine pretty much daily in the car. 
Ipod Nano
And the answer is....? 
Cartrige for Scout w/jw9 on my system?
Benz and Dynavector make cartridges that mate well with the VPIs 
Second round of auditions under my belt
Hey Dweller - It's REALLY hard to find a truly excellent pair of speakers. So far, for me, the only under $20k speaker that's really done it for me in auditions is the Wilson Sophia.Until I can afford them (or whatever else I end up deciding on) I... 
What speaker to buy to start over.
I love how there are 26 replies to this forum with recommendations, yet you still haven't told us what you're looking for in a speaker.* What speakers do you have currently?* What do you like about them?* What do you not like about them?* What are... 
Please help me buy an iPod
Just get the biggest one they have available... the $$$ differences are trivial compared to this hi fi stuff, and that way you won't need to replace it with a bigger one.The most important question - would your wife prefer black or white? For me -... 
Need a good high-pass Xover for Sonus REL
"It is well known that active crossovers have advantages over passive ones."Maybe someone (Bob?) can share what these advantages are? Why are active crossovers superior to well designed passive ones? 
What time do you wear?
Yes that makes sense, thanks ( :I'm probably not going to be doing too much diving, but I suppose that could be helpful with not burning the brownies. I'll probably burn them anyway, though 
What time do you wear?
Hey I have a question for the watch experts.I am a watch noob.It seems as though many of the $$$ watches such as this Omega Seamaster that I like... : http://www.omegawatches.com/index.php?id=557&pos=7&no_cache=1...have a "rotating" bezel ... 
magnepan mmgs-buy zero autoformers or stands 1st?
EL34 is a great midrange tube... but it's sloppy in the bass. They are useful in guitar amps, and when you're high-passing your speakers with a sub beneath. 
Which DVD player
"The players on audition are Arcam DV137, Rotel RDV1092, Marantz 9600 & Denon 3930. All 4 do not have significant difference in 2 channel or 5 channel audio."??? Is your stereo up for the challenge of resolving the sonic differences between th... 
"What's Your Best Price?"
Maybe I just don't get it.... But this thread (and the majority of the posts) are people complaining about interest in their items for sale?Someone is sending you an email because they may be interested in purchasing it... otherwise, why would the... 
Denon DVD-3910 vs CD-only Player
Lhf63 - I have been doing some very similar stuff lately.I recently picked up a nice TV (panasonic plasma) and as such, have been interested in a quality DVD player to go with it. I have a Jolida 100 CD player, which is widely regarded as a "conte... 
levinson lexus sound?
The levinson stuff in the lexus is so/so, probably about on par with the bose. Pretty boring.To get good sound in the car, you've really got to go aftermarket, and it is NOT cheap to get sound that an audiophile would find acceptable. I know becau... 
SACD and an audiophile question
To the original Poster - I like Boston too, but unfortunately their recordings are bad on all formats. I have vinyl, CD, and SACD. The music is great, but the recordings are among the worst. So I don't think this is a good test for SACD. Get some ...