
Responses from goatwuss

sorry to rain on any parades... but build quality beware on ASL products, unless they've really changed over the past couple years...I have an original MG Head DT (no preamp capabilities) and I do still have it and is excellent sounding for the pr... 
Anyone seen or heard new Thiel CS3.7
http://www.6moons.com/industryfeatures/thiel/thiel.htmlThe bottom driver looks like the "spinny" rims that the pimps put on their escalades 
Comparison ZYX Artisan against Tom Evans Groove ?
Kha - Can you do a direct comparison of the ZYX phono vs the klyne with the same turntable setup? 
Another Dealer sets the Bar LOW
"I think after having been in this hobby for some 30+ years----I just know what to expect from a dealer. That translates to : expect the worst and maybe,be suprised, if that doesn't happen."I'm sure that this is the case with many dealers - but th... 
Here's a challenge:a class A sound system for less
Jaybo's quote: "most 50k systems don't sound much different than 10k systems."That is an interesting assertion, but perhaps tells more about the person saying that then about audio.What I mean is that- depending on what aspects of a music reproduc... 
JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston Savoy?
One major mistake that a lot of audiophiles make is putting too big a speaker in too small a room. dont make this mistake!seriously - don't get the savoys or the novas. Get the andras or the altos, and go buy a boat with the leftover money. The an... 
How to convert lps to CD?
The Alesis masterlink looks good, but the dealbreaker for me is that there's no hookup to a computer. Is there any device similar to a masterlink that can dump to a computer's hard drive, without having to burn a CD, or go through the line-in on t... 
"Warm" sounding digital interconncect
Use lamp cord, and use the money to make real upgrades to your system. 
what is the best amp for B&W 802N
I would suggest trying a big Krell FPB amp. 
iPod Hifi
I heard this in the apple story yesterday, granted playing mp3s...i thought it sounded pretty awful, not nearly as good as a wave radio even. Very harsh sounding, no "soundstage", all seems to come from the box, really not much interesting about i... 
Subwoofer other than Strata 3
Attilasimon - Try and find a good deal on a Velodyne DD10. Very musical sub, much more flexible than the REL 
Your Private Audio Museum
Cwlondon - I never really thought about it this way... but I'm glad you pointed it out that all of my hi-fi stuff that I've never gotten around to sell is part of my hi-fi museum! I still live in an apt, but when I do buy a house I will make some ... 
I miss my Rega turntable. What to do?
Hodu - Ditch the music Hall. The arm is junk. The rega table with rega arm is far superior. 
Rowland "house sound"?
Fish - What do you find lacking with the Bat? 
Wilson Maxx 1 compared to Puppy 6
Sprbggr - I'm on the same page with you. I like the MAXX 1 much better than the WP7. The reasons why I prefer the MAXX are: * Effortless Dynamics * HUGE soundstage * Ability to play ANY kind of music with authorityCertainly, as Oneobgyn and Siliab...