
Responses from goatwuss

Audiophilelquidator.com ??
URL is down 
XM or Sirius
This is from WikiPedia:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xm_radio"Audio channels on XM are digitally compressed using the aacPlus codec from Coding Technologies for most channels, and the AMBE codec from Digital Voice Systems for some voice channels. D... 
avoiding component purchase errors :part 2
MrTennis - For every 'hater' such as 9rw who spread their negativity on these forums, there are 10 others who appreciate and enjoy your posts.Even on this thread, it is clear to see that most found your original commentary interesting, and have po... 
Kjl - What aspects of your current turntable's sonic performance do you find lacking? In what sense do you feel that upgrading your turntable to further up the VPI line will address these current problems that you are having?Why do you care whethe... 
Recommendation for small satellite speakers
Bose - Top of the line 
help me spend money-which high end speakers?
Wow.And your problem with the Jm Labs is.....?It amazes me that people are chiming in with recommendations before they have the slightest idea why you are dissatisfied with your Utopias. 
Tips for warming up Rotel + B&W system?
Stuartk - My intention is not to rain on anyone's parade...But - 2 things are going on here.1. You bought bad gear. If you have other local dealers around, try bringing home something like a PrimaLuna tube integrated and Von Sweikert speakers. Tha... 
Personal turntable/cartridge evolution
2000 - Rega P25 with Dynavector 10x4, Phonomena2003 - Denon 103 and 103R cartridges2004 - Supratek Syrah Phono2005 - Sota Sapphire with ET2 (arrived smashed, never heard it)2005 - Nottingham Spacedeck2005 - VPi HrJr2006 - back to a Rega P25.... 
Plinius 9100 or 9200
I think you would have a hard time coming up with any evidence that the 9100 is a superior product to the 9200.He's trying to sell you something, and audiophiles can claim anything sounds better than anything else, so it can't be proven to be a lie. 
Wilson W/P 5.1 vs B&W N802
jmvs@aol.com - 1 A/B comparison is more valuable than 10,000 other peoples' opinions. Disregard them all, and decide for yourself. 
High pass quality to mains uisng Velodyne DD subs
Hello Folks,I own a DD15 and Dynaudio S1.4 speakers, and I have tried using the sub both ways.Using the crossover and high passing the mains is the much better real-world choice. Every major sonic attribute is imrproved when you do this, all the w... 
Do you know of small speakers that sound ''BIG'' ?
Listener57 - LOL, what are the other 9? Most likely, most of us follow them all without even knowing it.Soniqmike - After owned the full Parsifal Encores, why are you even posting in the speaker asylum? lol For serious, what is motivating you to f... 
Do you know of small speakers that sound ''BIG'' ?
Soniq Mike - If you want to get the real deal, try a pair of Verity Parsifal monitors. The complete parsifal has the bottom part of the speaker with the bass module in it, but you can just take the top monitor part and just them on a stand. I thin... 
The Isolator: the latest rip-off?
Santana and Rpw - Did you compare the results of your $150 piece of foam to a 25 cent piece of foam bought at a hardware store?I would be interested in the results of a double blind test here, as "best thing I did for my humble analog" would surel... 
Expectations low, listening pleasure high.
All of you people that say drinking increases your musical enjoyment... have you tried pot? works a lot better...