
Responses from goatwuss

panasonic 50 inch vs. hitachi 55
I compared the two and ended up with the panasonic. I think the picture if more vivid and lifelike on the panasonic, more like looking at a photo 
Utopia Micros + Sub vs. Utopia Divas vs. Merlin
What did you think of the Utopia? 
Utopia Micros + Sub vs. Utopia Divas vs. Merlin
Conrad - Have you heard a JM Labs speaker or a Merlin speaker before? 
Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players
"The statement upgrade IMHO makes SACD a moot point..."dsd and pcm sourced material sound different regardless of how well the player is built... 
Question about video scalers
Photon - Yes - a quality scaler will significantly help making SD look better.Look into DVDO www.dvdo.com , I've had good luck with a VP30 with the ABT102 cardMore expensive (but others say is good too) is Crystalio 2 
APL NWO2.5 ?
Is the APL NWO2.5 setup for Multi Channel? 
My Jolida 100 skips even on new cds. How to fix?
Bartokfan - You win the helpful post of the year award. Seriously, why don't you just go listen to some more Bartok on that Cayin of yours, or maybe some 64kbps mp3s.Others - thanks for the help. I'll give it the "dry cotton ball" treatment today ... 
Which DVD player
The Onkyo SP1000 has significantly better build quality, sound, and UI/interface than the Marantz universal. Only thing it's missing is 480i over HDMI, but it sounds like you don't need that anyway if you're planning on upconverting at the player ... 
1080p an issue for now?
To touch on the original post - 1080p is a "nice to have" but far and away not the most important thing. For a screen in the 50" or 55", a solid 720p image is going to look outstanding. Even 1080p Blue ray scaled down to 720p is going to look real... 
panny 60u vs. 600u
Dbw1 - I am fairly certain that these displays have the EXACT same video processing.The one addition to Kenny's list of the "differences" is: cosmetics.I think the 600U looks a LOT nicer with the black border instead of all grey - but that's just ... 
Anyone have the Dynaudio Contour 1.4's?
I find them actually to be pretty similar sounding to the 1.3SE, so if you like them, you'll surely like the 1.4 as well.Typically contour-range Dyaudio. I compared the 1.3SE and the S1.4 back to back in a well setup room at the dealer, and I ende... 
Anyone have the Dynaudio Contour 1.4's?
I own the 1.4sWhy do you choose dynaudio? 
A series of underperforming setups...Solution?
$1000 spent to have Rives audio assess your room/setup may be the best money you can spend to fix your audio 
which technology really has the best picture
Plasmas have the best image quality 
Von Schweikert VR-4sr MKII or Wilson Sophia
"Changing the amps is not an option"You want to pick the speakers that you like, and then choose appropriate amps. Not the other way around. Sure fire to hit the 'on' button the merry-go-round