Responses from ghdprentice
Best Phono Stage I would recommend the highest quality Used Audio Research phono stage either PH8 or REF you can find for your budget. If you like a bit warmer sound then a used Conrad Johnson. Zesto are a newer company but highly regarded. | |
Best room EQ? For an audiophile… none. Speaker placement, room treatments is the ticket. Not trying to be snooty. I have tried a few over the years, reduced sound quality and have not done what I required. Others will disagree. | |
Tube or Amp Problem? Please help. Good advice above. If peak performance is what you are after then replace both sides. I would recommend ordering two complete sets. I always have a spare set. While not tremendously unreliable… tubes wear out and occasionally fail. With a thousan... | |
Recommendation all-rounded speaker (small room) Boomy or wooly bass is a common artifact of speakers that are not yet broken in. Give them a hundred or two of use before concluding it is a characteristic of the speakers. | |
Too Much Power They ever a showman Bob Carvar did a video once showed the power required to reproduce the sound of a pair of scissors doing one big snip. I think it was a short transient of 1,000 watts. Anything less clipped. But that is the point of massive po... | |
Sunday dreaming about preamps... @saulh Thank you. You have put together what looks to be a respectable carefully chosen synergistic system. | |
Do these look similar? @zappas 🙂😁😜🤪 | |
Best Home HIFi you’ve listened to @grislybutter Used to be my favorite city as well… it has changed in the last four or five years… in a huge way… in the wrong direction. ☹️ I can’t tell you how disappointing it has been since for 15 years it was such a delight. Fortunately the... | |
Just got started on Qobuz. Can anyone recommend an album or song? Qobuz also excels at having a greater selection of High Rez albums. As of mid-last year Qobuz had 450,000 high resolution albums and Tidal had less than 2,500. My dealer had bugged me to change for six months a while ago… I finally ran in para... | |
Sunday dreaming about preamps... I own all ARC Reference components… I’ll just go with that as my vote. | |
Do these look similar? @artemas_5 Thank you for your complement. One of the scenarios that I described was that. So, an American company submits a design to a Chinese contract manufacturer… they give you a quote… so they set up a production line ( I have been an dozen... | |
top loading cd players I would like to second the Audio Research CD player / DAC. It is a tremendous DAC / CD player. I was very happy with my Sim Moon 650D / SIMM Moon 820 power supply ($18K). My dealer dropped a ARC Reference CD9se for me to try while dropping off... | |
Every day I see another turntable recommendation... OP, You got it. While I am not specifically with the two Clearaudio models, my experience is that in that price range $2K will make a BIG difference. The Performance DC puts you in a difference class. While you could get a decent streamer the... | |
Looking for a new (preowned OK) line stage under $5K: suggestions? +2 on Conrad Johnson ET5. It’s a fantastic preamp with magical midrange. | |
The past meets the future @asvjerry 😊☹️… I have a few pocket protectors somewhere… must be next to my slide rule. |