
Responses from gdnrbob

Manley snapper vs Atma-sphere M60
When in doubt, call Ralph at Atma-Sphere.My MA-1's and MP-3 are the cat's meow...B 
Your Side by Side Experience With Best Vintage vs Newer Expensive Hi Tech Speakers
Given the advances in materials and electronics, I would expect more current speakers to provide better sound reproduction. I say this as a Vandersteen owner who knows that Mr. V. constantly integrates new parts and electronics into the venerable ... 
Help—How to Marry High Bitrate Digital Streamers to Two Channel Audio Systems
@2psyop  +1.And Qobuz says it is coming to the US this year.I agree, I haven't cracked a CD case since I went streaming. Spotify has more than I have and though not hi rez, like Tidal, it sounds great nonetheless.BTW, much of Tidal is not MQA and ... 
Help—How to Marry High Bitrate Digital Streamers to Two Channel Audio Systems
Yes, I read that. Unfortunately, it is an issue for some, and from some of the questions sent to Bluesound, I think they realize their deficiencies. Considering how good their customer service is, I think that issue will be corrected soon. As you ... 
Help—How to Marry High Bitrate Digital Streamers to Two Channel Audio Systems
I would look into Bluesound. They offer a few items that should work for you.B 
Recommendations for Windows software to go with a Ayre QB-9 DAC
I am in the JRiver camp. It works well and is upgraded often.B 
Suggestions from all you wise ones
@golden,You have some great manufacturers near you. Atma-Sphere- who is another Audiogon contributor hereand Magnepan.If it were me, I would pick Ralph (atmasphere)'s brain via PM. He knows a lot, and builds some of the finest tube equipment in th... 
Subwoofer for Ayre AX-7e?
@jackd ,The Vandy subs use crossovers at the 80 to 90hz frequency, so will more than likely be able to work with just about any speaker.The OP could use the 2wq's with his integrated if he sent it to Ayre to have it modified to include the crossov... 
Tidal problems
Are you sure you are accessing the high rez version? Tidal sometimes offers multiple resolutions for the same album.Beyond that, did you try resetting the app?I got the update and it works fine, though I did need to delete the previous version man... 
JRiver 18, should I upgrade
If you time it right, when they are upgrading versions, you can get a nice discount.B 
Bluesound Node 2 - Next level up
@kalali,I had a Modi Multibit, I sold it and the Bifrost Multibit and now have the Gungnir-which needs to get the multibit upgrade.What connection do you require for your CD player?The nice thing is that you can use it as a preamp or just as a DAC.B 
(Maybe) Definitive speakers
+1 for Vandersteen and Maggies.Preferably the former.Though on your side of the Atlantic, there is ProAc, which might be better in terms of servicing. ProAc, though not exactly Vandersteen, comes quite close soundwise, but with a little 'English' ... 
How to Hook Up Vandersteen 2W Subwoofer
Check out Hifi Shark, it has one of the best listings for items for sale.B 
Bluesound Node 2 - Next level up
@kalali, I had the Modi, and it was pretty good. But, I think it is comparable to the internal DAC of the Node. You need to go to a Gungnir or Yggy to really get the best out of the music, and at under $2K used, I think it is a great value.I do ag... 
Subwoofer for Ayre AX-7e?
@OP...As others have suggested, contact Ayre for the best advice.I am sure you will be impressed with the Vandy 1's. B