Responses from gdnrbob
Vandersteen 2CE Signature II: Is it worth the price of $2700? Why are so many for sale? @carmenc ,Don't beat up Johnny. He is willing to offer free advice.I say this as someone who has benefited from his advice, yet never bought anything from him. He won't try to sell me anything I don't want nor pressure me to buy something I do.I o... | |
Usability Issues with Tidal +1 ejlif.B | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Recorded music will never be equal to 'live' performance. Unless they can make a microphone that duplicates our individual ears, it seem we will have to accept that it comes pretty darn close.'Suspending disbelief' is an interesting premise and on... | |
Subwoofer Decision I have a pair of Hsu subs for my office. They are good, but not as good as my Vandersteen 2w's. B | |
Minimum recommended amplification requirements and amplifier matching +1 lowrider,Impedance, not sensitivity is a more important value.Should your speakers dip below 4 ohms, you little amp is going to have a hard time keeping up.When in doubt, call the manufacturer.B | |
DAC recommendation +1 for Mr_m.The Codex is a great buy for the money.A close second is the Schiit Gungnir or Yggy. The latter is a bit more (closer to $2K used).The nice thing is that both Ayre and Schiit offer upgrades as they become available.B | |
Subwoofer Decision Vandersteen sub integration is seamless, when properly set up. My 2w's and 2wq's are heads above any other manufacturer, in my opinion.The fact that my 2w's are nearing 25+ years old and still function properly is a testament to the design and bui... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Piotr AnderszewskiI just found him through Spotify.Wow.Has anyone else listened to him?B | |
New dac Do you find lack of bass on both CD and Bluesound Streaming?Are you using the Bluesound DAC or outputting to the PS Audio DAC?Did you have this issue earlier-before DAC and CD player?B | |
PS Audio or Ayre? It would help to know what equipment you are using, as well as speakers.A lot depends upon synergy.B | |
Bluesound Node 2 - Next level up You can by a Node 1 used for around $2-300. The Node 2 DAC is a bit better, but in either case you can output to a better DAC if you like.B | |
Wow on a CD transport? It could be a defect in the disc.You did mention that you had trouble loading it.B | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Yup, the Davis, Imai version was the first one I ever listened to. I really loved it.B | |
Classical Music for Aficionados I remember the David Oistrakh recording. It was on a small label classical company that I can't remember. They rereleased a number of Melodia (sp?) recordings.In any case, it gave me goosebumps.B | |
Tidal, Deezer Correct. You aren't getting a high fidelity output file.Though, I have to say having the ability to cue up just about any album I want makes streaming so delightful. If you really want to have the music saved to your catalog, then just buy it. -Li... |