Responses from gdnrbob
Higher Efficiency Speakers I tried Zu's and though they were good, they weren't as good as Vandy's.Maggie's with a Zero Autoformer might work with the M-60-Once again, Ralph would know. He does speak highly of Sound Lab speakers.Bob | |
A Better Bluesound AC Cable? @lowrider57 ,I forgot to ask or didn't see it, but are you using the Bluesound internal DAC or an external DAC?Bob | |
Good starter speaker Find a Vandersteen dealer. Definitely worth your while.Bob | |
A Better Bluesound AC Cable? @lowrider57 ,Thanks for posting. Perhaps my cable wasn’t up to snuff. I’ll check out wireworld-never used them before. Which one would you recommend?In any case, my system sounds pretty awesome as it stands.B | |
A Better Bluesound AC Cable? @williewonka ,I'm glad you heard a difference, but considering I have AQ Thunder for my Codex, and AQ interconnects and speaker cable, I don't think I have a limiting system.Perhaps the Power cord did make a change, but, to my ears, nothing differ... | |
DC Offset Blocker/Killer - where to buy in the USA A quick Google: thread: | |
DC Offset Blocker/Killer - where to buy in the USA I don't know much about McIntosh, but always thought they had a great reputation.What you are describing isn't something that should be happening.You have done everything correctly, and the issue persists, so it would seem the problem is equipment... | |
Computer power cord upgrade, is it worth it? @mewsickbuff,He has some software options that aren't expensive like the Memory Player. bought his Mini and am in the process of getting things settled.I would give him a call and see what he can ... | |
Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels @yyzsantabarbara .I have never heard of the Kaya until now. Thanks for posting that, now I have something else to try listening to in addition to MBL and German Physics.Bob | |
Speaker plinth material bottom ported Zu Omen Defs Don't forget about Herbie's. He has lots of nice isolation products that don't cost an arm and a leg and really work.+1 for contacting Zu. Nothing like from the horse's mouth.Bob | |
My initial impressions of ZU Mission (MK1) speaker cables. @aberyclark +1Well put. My sentiments exactly.Bob | |
Too much of a good thing... @jea48 .+1Bob | |
Higher Efficiency Speakers @larryi ,My Atma amps have no hum whatsoever. If you did have hum, perhaps you had grounding issue. In any case, I would have called Ralph to get to the bottom of the issue.Bob | |
Higher Efficiency Speakers I have my Vandy Treo's at near mid-room (between LR and DR 12x24x8).I have excellent soundstage and reproduction with a pair of 2wq subs.I owned the 3a sigs and went up to the Treo's. No comparison, everything is much more coherent/ seamless.I als... | |
How important is it for you to attain a holographic image? @rvpiano .Thanks for reminding me about Clifford Brown. I got him playing right now...B |