
Responses from gdnrbob

Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Ralph, couldn't he use a Jensen transformer to make he XLR to RCA change? Would it still offer the proper grounding?Bob 
McCormack is my grail!
I had my DNA-1's converted to monoblocks as well a pair of Micro line Amps.The Micro's are amazing, though I am having some issues with the new low impedance with the DNA-1's and my Vandy 2wq's. The impedance is so low I have to go to unbalanced c... 
Dealing with a power amp that need 20A connection
As I said before, doing it the 'right' way would be the safest course, and probably give you a better outcome overall, but, I think running it with an adapter is fine as long as you don't push it.Even if you do, the breaker should kick in, and the... 
Quatro Wood setup help
@tomic601 ,Flintlock-Haha 😜Bob 
Vandersteen 3a vs Magnepan 3.7i
Do you mean feet(') or inches(")?If the former, you have one honking big room...Bob 
Quatro Wood setup help
I just got one on Amazon, a D1 for about $80 bucks.I should have gotten one years ago.Bob 
Quatro Wood setup help
@tomic601,That is a great suggestion, but I thought the Disto's were $200 or so?Bob 
Where to get XLR male to male cable
@lowrider57 I was thinking that, too.B 
Movies employing music in a great way.
Oh, I forgot Franz Waxman- The Bride of Frankenstein.B 
Monostrapped Atma-sphere M-60
@tomic601 ,Wow, those 7's are close together. How large is the room?You also seem to like water views.Bob 
Where to get XLR male to male cable
How about this? 
Music streamer with no DAC and no storage?
+1 Jeenam.You can even get a used Node (1) for even less.The only benefit of the new Node 2i is that it can work on the wireless 5gh band. Nice if you have a crowded 2.5gh network.Bob 
How much would I lose going to a Bluesound Node 2i
+1 Mahler.I think MQA is just another gimmick to make us buy an unnecessary product. A well recorded high rez recording holds up against MQA.As others have said the Node DAC is good, but at least you can bypass it to a DAC of you own choice.I use ... 
Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades
Vandy's, always Vandy's.-Especially when considering how you can tune them to your room.Seriously, if you are spending that much, why don't you audition them?You are the only one that can make the decision, as everyone has different tastes, hearin... 
Anyone up for a group visit to Audioconnection?