

Responses from gawdbless

RMAF 2016................Boenicke W5
Hi John,I believe they are made with a solid piece of wood. The Innards look like someone was having fun with a router. I won't be buying a pair as I have enough (ahem, hope she does not read this....) speakers in the house. Another, and the most ... 
RMAF 2016................Boenicke W5
Here is a longer youtube clip.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TSMNu5eHwk 
RMAF 2016................Boenicke W5
The list below is a list of speakers who I think (to my ears) the W5 sounded better on the day at RMAF..........Classic Audio Speakers not sure of the price around $16000?The Sony speakers $27,000 a pair.Vos Loudspeakers $135,000 Oh lordy............ 
Greatest American Rock and Role Bands of ALL Time
I declare AC/DC as the best US Rock n Roll act. Well they do now have a temporary American singer.lol.............I think that of all the members of AC/DC past and present only one was born in the south hemisphere..................NZ.I could be wr... 
step inside Klipsch fans and fanatics
I have just purchased an unmodified cheap as chips used pair of Klipschorns. They suit my ears and wallet for most sounds, although for rock/Indie/goth genre's of music I  prefer my Oris 150 horn loudspeakers.  
Best Turntable for the Price - Linn Basik
I personally think dealers advertising their wares in a discussion is ok, they have disclosed a disclaimer after all. No one is holding a gun to someone's head forcing them to buy it. The price of the TT1SE turntable sure looks a good buy pricewis... 
What in the world is going on.....
"This has been one of my complaints that as your system evolves (improves) some poor recordings sound worse "eh?surely, everything should sound better, no? 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
I personally think technology has Improved for boxed speakers. I had a pair of Linn Isobariks DMS speakers, which were considered up there with the best available back in the 1970's/ 80's. Today I think they are bested by the ELAC cheap as chips r... 
klipschorns, they kick ass for sure
Tomtab; I am not sure if there are many out here who really care whether Klipschorns are considered 'High End' loudspeakers or not, or indeed your passion for them. Why do you care about other audio'piles' views? Its not going to change your belie... 
Magnepan MMG........amazing
An AV reviewer in a blind listening test that was in the Magnepan room at a Hi-Fi show said ' it is the best sound he had heard at the show so far', he was listening to a pair of MMG's and two Magnepan DWM panels which cost a mere $2375...... 
Magnepan's 1.7i c/w 2 DWM bass panels v 3.7i
oops, my mistake, I thought the Emotiva was an Integrated amp..... 
Magnepan's 1.7i c/w 2 DWM bass panels v 3.7i
Thanks for your replies, I have come up with this for starters...3.7i- $6475;Emotiva XPA-2 Amp  $719;Morrow Speaker/Interconnects Bundle $430Morrow MAP1 Power Cords x 2 $318;Which would leave approx. $2000 for a CD player.   
RMAF 2012 Postmortem
The Saunders room was probably the best in the show for me, very open sound with lots of clarity, very well priced to.I liked the Volti Audio room that had the 3 way horn speakers making nice noises, and also quite nicely priced.The downside for m... 
Amy Winehouse.RIP
Tough Crowd indeed.To all those that think Amy was of little talent, or talentless, please view the attached clip of one Mr Tony Bennett, I am guessing and there is a strong suspicion that he may know a good singer when he performs with one, or is... 
Amy Winehouse.RIP
Flowers already delivered.The tv were interviewing her backing singers, and they are devastated that she has past away. They could not be of more praise for Amy and were in tears and they say there is not a nicer person you could meet(are you read...