
Responses from fplanner2010

Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Good news - Changing the ICs from source to preamp within the SR line yielded a much greater sonic improvement than I expected. System got significantly more musical and organic, resolution and clarity increased, and bass got tighter, a bit deeper... 
LED vs Plasma, 60" vs 65"
My statements are true. You might do a little research instead of fabricating a phony scenario like you just did to suit your own opinion. Its pretty transparent and doesn't help your credibility, nor the OP who is looking for real help, not B.S.... 
LED vs Plasma, 60" vs 65"
My 70" Pioneer/Sharp Elite TV has darker blacks than any plasma I've seen - lots of positives, few if any negatives. They also make a 60". No glare, great picture, lots of features. It is a "really good TV" and has been proven so in various blind ... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
The only way to know is to try both in your system and see which you like better, IMO. There is no right or wrong, but what works best for you. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
The placement of the cables above was between my preamp and amps. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Another point to keep in mind, as I have recently discovered, is that all systems are different, and just because something new may sound better in 1 system, it may NOT sound better in yours.I recently demoed the extremely pricey Element Silver 3m... 
Why Not More Conversation about VAC?
I have the CV-181's (4 in each amp) and have been very happy with them. Its been a while since I put them in - I recall an increase in musicality as well as a additional clarity in the mids and highs. Not night and day, but noticeable, at least to... 
APL NWO Owners
I also use the tubes provided, if that's what you are asking. All Synergistic system, including speaker cells and power center. VAC tube amps and preamp, VSA VR-7se w/cap mods speakers, Billy Bags custom rack with 3/4" cracked glass shelves. Sound... 
Best tube rolling options for VAC Ren MkIII preamp
Dev- Glad you like them!! I couldn't believe it either, but there is no substitute for hearing them yourself in your own system. I have about 50 hours on mine so far and they are still improving - probably the best "bang for the buck" improvement ... 
Bi-amping MBL 101's - combining tube & ss
Mapman- Dev's VAC 450's are all tubes. His post is 7 posts ABOVE YOURS IN THIS THREAD!!!! Just pointing this out...... :-) 
Best tube rolling options for VAC Ren MkIII preamp
Great!! Although we have great VAC in common, our systems Are quite a bit dissimilar since our speakers are so different. I heard a difference immediately, that has just kept getting better at about 40 hours so far. 
Best tube rolling options for VAC Ren MkIII preamp
My Recently added seimens 7308s into my Ren sig mk2a made a huge. Difference - deeper and tighter bass, more extended highs, etc. Overall a much better, well balanced sound. Wouldn't have believed it out of 2 tubes.Added Black treasures as the fro... 
Esoteric K03
Sure I did - doesn't sound like you ever contacted ESOTERIC, yet you are slamming their gear. 
Esoteric K03
I agree with Audiofeil on this. Did you EVER contact Esoteric about this? I know they don't sell their best transports to other manufacturers, but they sure don't sell them "noisy" transports. I can't speak to the MPS5 because I've never had one, ... 
Esoteric K03
I have an APL NWO-4 Master CD/SACD player, which is a highly modified Esoteric with a UX-1 transport. THERE ARE SEVERAL DISCS I HEAR NOISE ON - ITS NOT THE PLAYER, IT YOUR DIScS!!BW- If the noise happens on every disc you own, then maybe you have ...