

Responses from folkfreak

Can I hook up a DCS Puccini player/preamplifier directly to an ARC GS150 ampilifier?
A word of warning. DCS output drivers are not the best in the world. I own a full Vivaldi stack and there is a clear loss of transparency in using its balanced output over the single ended (in both cases into my ARC Ref 40 with identical AQ WEL in... 
Where to have interconnects reterminated in Phoenix
Do send them to AQ -- anything else will substantially reduce the resale value of the set. AQ do quick and excellent work and any local AQ dealer can handle the transaction for you. I have had AQ change four sets of cables from balanced to single ... 
Looking for a Thin Lightweight PowerCord for Digital
Nordost Vishnu or Brahma are easily available used, very flexible and work well with digital components 
GutWire Ultimate Grounding Cable
@a25105 how did he know? It’s a grounding cable, only the ground is connected. The live  or neutral isn’t connected to anything. So don’t waste your total contact on them 😋 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
One other obvious explanation that could give rise to sibilance is build up of dirt on the stylus. Have you examined it under a loupe or scope and do you have a regular cleaning program in place? Sure you’ve addressed this but for others with simi... 
Gonna have to ditch the Soundsmith Carmen II
@cleeds if you did some research on the SMARTractor you would be aware that is a system that includes a magnifier, a mirrored high precision gauge and a very accurate P2S system. In other words about as close to perfect alignment as possibleI don’... 
Turntable sounds so much better when...
Is there a rubber grommet at the connection? As I recall there is, hence overtightening would remove the damping effect of this grommet.Reminds me of my experience tightening the cartridge bolts on my headshell (traditionally one of those places w... 
Power Cables and Affects on Timing (and speed)?
Yes, just as true of the trailing edge. You will need a room that is clear of excessive reflections as this will blur the effect that these sorts of improvements make. In a less optimized system you may get much less impact 
Power Cables and Affects on Timing (and speed)?
Speed is probably more a function of clarity on the leading edges of sounds (or said another way higher bandwidth) Hence adding a superior power cord that renders the leading edges of percussion for example will manifest as improved timing. That’s... 
Why the volume drop for this .5mv cartridge
@tlainhart 1V is the rated input to drive the Ragnarok to full output - note how in the specs here they are all referenced to 1V input. As I noted you are in effect using a passive pre into the 26dB power amp stage so getting no real preamp gainht... 
Do I need a sut?
@rauliruegas do you have some sort of problem with me? Have I ever commented on your system or tastes? I’m happy to invite you round to hear my system if you’re ever in the Pacific NW but in the mean time could you do me the courtesy of refraining... 
Why the volume drop for this .5mv cartridge
A 10x difference in output voltage should correspond to 20dB difference in gain (hence the results you get from both gain calculators say to add 20dB between the two)It may be that the differences you are seeing are simply down to tolerances betwe... 
Do I need a sut?
@rauliruegas as in all things audio one has to make trade-offs. There was a long design conversation with Jonathan behind the particular decisions on what switching and functionality to include given my need for two cartridge inputs. In  a purist ... 
Where is the classified section?
btw -- you can also access the classified (audiogon proper) by clicking the down arrow next to the "discussion FORUM" header on this page ... rather oddly it's labelled "the world's largest high end community" which hardly speaks to buying and sel... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 2)
@oem-wheels it’s a peculiar paradox of audio that actually one of the least sensitive places for a power cord is actually between your power conditioner and the wall. While all of your devices are drawing power from here assuming your conditioner ...