

Responses from folkfreak

Live show audience noise
Well recorded audience noise is one of the best things about live recordings, being able to place each sniffle and clink of a glass is a great test of verisimilitude. For example, a visitor brought round a live Horowitz CD yesterday and I really e... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
@madavid0 perhaps you can spend some more time doing research and reading before bugging us againhere are two good starting points on this topichttp://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/stepup/primer.htmlhttp://www.rothwellaudioproducts.co.uk/html/mc_ste... 
SR speaker cables
Whichever way you go if you go with this family do invest in upgrading the MPCs -- see this thread https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/modding-synergistic-research-mpc-to-galileo-status?highlight=...And make sure you get hold of the UEF tuning ... 
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
$50K would be for a 13’ pair of non biwire WEL Signature speaker cables, bi-wiring almost doubles the cost so a standard 8’ pair biwired would run $60K or soIn my experience the WEL Sig speaker cables are a little too expensive for the quality the... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
@rauliruegas surely then by this logic the tonearm manufacturer should also provide the following in the box with their arm1) A fozgometer (or other azimuth setting tool)2) A test record3) A USB microscope (or at least an alignment block with a VT... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
@rauliruegas I have to quibble a little with your assertion that it is the responsibility of tonearm manufacturers to provide universal mounting templates. While I absolutely agree that a tonearm manufacturer must provide a very precise mounting j... 
Interconnect Length
Don't put your turntable in a corner -- this is a bass node and will maximize interference with your table. Ideally as others have noted the cable to the phono stage should be as short as possible. One option to consider is getting a small phono s... 
What is your favorite budget audio component?
Here's one - the Wand family of tonearms -- from less than $500 and up, great solid unipivot design but built like a tank, easy to mount and fully adjustable. The Wand+ bested an SME-IV in my setup, highly recommendedhttps://designbuildlisten.com/ 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
@madavid0 life must be very difficult for you given your propensity to find charlatans and crooks under every stone. You started this thread in the belief that cartridge manufacturers are out to rip you off but that your new MF table is the ne plu... 
Miyajima Lab Zero Specs?
The coil impedance for the Miyajima Zero Mono is 6 ohms and the recommended loading is 200 to 300 ohms, I prefer mine at 300 ohms rather than 200 but your tastes may differ. The Zero can be a bear fro hum so make sure your system has either a mono... 
Best Footers for DAC?
I have found great results from Marigo Mystery feet under all my DCS components. They are expensive but Ron has options which combine some of his top end feet with cheaper alternatives to bring the price down. Adding the feet seems to make the mus... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
Oh and to your question on why a $5K tonearm with a $5K cartridge.A $5K cartridge usually means the designer has spent extra effort in minimizing problematic resonances and other sources of distortion. Mounting this on a $1K tonearm that itself is... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
My my Mr Madavid do you have it all wrong. Magico Q3s will sound absolutely awful paired with the sort of amp any normal person would use with your Elac bookshelves. In fact in 9 out of 10 Hi Fi shows Magico Q3s sound terrible because they get pai... 
My rant; we don't know what we don't know
In general I find much to agree with in your observations and in particular I get very concerned as you do with those who constantly pursue major component (amp, source, speaker etc) changes in search of some elusive nirvana. The truth is it takes... 
Cartridges: Complete Scam?
"Peddling woo to vulnerable audiophiles"I'm touched by your concern for our sensitive selves, and presumably our pocketbooks. Be assured however that those of us that take the time to listen to a lot of cartridges and put our $ where we want can h...