

Responses from falconquest

fair complaint about Audiogon, violating no guidelines, removed
If you have questions or concerns just send a message to Tammy. She has always been very helpful. 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
greatfuleric said, " I cant believe the esoteric nonsense contained in this thread, voodoo science at best. I think ill go watch another episode of "Ancient aliens" for a little grounding."Ancient astronaut theorists say.........yes! 
Aurender vs. Roon
Well, I have to throw my hat in the ring for Aurender. I set mine up and haven’t had any issues since and that is probably 2-3 years ago. I find the conductor app. to be easy to use and I’m very pleased with the sound. Would love to have a W20 but... 
Has anyone seen this...?
So here is a further example of the equipment reviewers deal with. I found this rather interesting when I saw it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25fqryYQ1H4 
Vudu/Oppo audio problem
There are some free movies you can stream. The link you provided was about connecting to vudu as opposed to the sound problem. Like I mentioned, I can't seem to find anything that addresses my particular issue. 
Vudu/Oppo audio problem
I appreciate the feedback erik. I tried searching vudu/oppo sound issues on the net in general and on the A'gon forum and didn't find anything helpful. That made me think, alright, this has to be a simple setting or something that I am overlooking... 
Vudu/Oppo audio problem
My Dac displays the bit rate when playing various files. When I switch to Vudu it flatlines indicating no signal. 
Vudu/Oppo audio problem
Ok, it was set for 7.1 surround. I changed it to stereo, tried the test tone and got nothing. I tried playing a movie and the same thing, no sound.  
OMG CAT has a web page!!
So how long do you think it will be before Jake tells his dad, "See I told you so"! ;-) 
What's up with TMR Audio?
You know, it boils down to taking responsibility. no one wants to do that anymore. All mrbell has to do is mention that yep, he went back and checked and sure enough he messed up his email address. We're all human and prone to mistakes. Admitting ... 
As mentioned previously, there are some Salk models that would be a good choice. For something a little unique take a look at Ohm Walsh's. 
Whats playing on your system today?
Traffic and Robin Trower. 
Advantages of owning equipment from major audio brands vs. boutique shops?
Thinking about speakers in particular, when you deal with small boutique shops you often can deal with the owner directly. Think of Legacy, Salk or Daedalus. They will work with you to find just the right speaker for your particular situation. I h... 
i'm looking for something that may not exist
Not sure I really want to click on those files! 
Oppo 103D streaming issues
Here's an update: The problem still exists. Are there any alternatives to the Oppo for Blue Ray DVD playback and streaming?