

Responses from falconquest

Axe to grind know it alls
Here's the problem. this kind of thread becomes the one that people hoard to, to make comments, and when I post a thread about room treatment I get very few responses. So while the OP here creates an irrelevant thread, it gets top billing while th... 
The room as a component
One other note. As to the Acoustic Fields site having a $1M dollar sound system on their home page, What you are seeing is someone who spent too much money ($200K) on a room and in the end it didn't work. The reason was that someone took advantage... 
The room as a component
Dennis has a lot of video’s on youtube and shares a lot of information. I guess my purpose in this thread was to see if anyone had any experience with his products or what their thoughts are about his ideas regarding room acoustics. For example, h... 
Cover Songs that are better than the Original
I once heard a version of Hallelujah in a small pub in the middle of Wisconsin that absolutely blows away every version I have ever heard. It was performed by a singer/songwriter from Minnesota and other than his guitar and vocals, you could have ... 
Audio Rack Selection
I am very fortunate to have a friend that does high end woodwork. I have a custom built maple and mahogany rack and couldn't be happier (Except for all the sanding I did. That end grain is a bitch!). For a similar product I would also suggest Timb... 
What are you streaming tonight?
The poet laureate of punk Patti Smith, Wave 
I've Just Learned What Amplfier Bias Is...
Somehow this OP seems disingenuous to me. But maybe that's my bias! 
Smoke on my power amp
You can contact Frank Gazzo. He is the U.S. Rep.for Plinius Audio and can help you with authorized service. He's a good guy. Frank at Plinius Audio dot com. 
Looking for recommendations for a 'warm' sounding DAC
I use a Holo Audio Spring DAC Kitsune edition which is a R2R design. It is very musical and right in your price range. I have also read lots of great things about the Audio Mirror Tubadour. Good luck! 
What speakers use SEAS or SEAS-sourced drivers?
This post started in 2003! I hope the OP is not still looking for speakers. 
Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.
I like the Pass/Bryston combo. Stay away from vinyl right now. I also like the Cambridge CXC recommendation. A decent streamer would get you the variety you want. Morrow Audio can provide decent cabling at affordable prices. There is a pair of Von... 
WD-40 for electronics
WD40 is a bomb in a can. It's highly flammable. I have never liked it. If you are after something along those lines look at LPS products. They actually make a dry film lubricant for electrical use that insulates from moisture. I am not advocating ... 
Has anyone seen this...?
Neighbors? Who has neighbors? ;-) 
Has anyone seen this...?
I like Steve as well. I think he has a kind of unique hipness with his wild colored shirts and strange mannerisms. The guy that I absolutely cannot watch is the AVshowreports guy, Peter Brueninger or however he spells his name. The guy has a perso... 
fair complaint about Audiogon, violating no guidelines, removed
@teo_audio,For the sake of information, I have purchased items in Canada a couple of times. I like buying from Canada due to the exchange rate advantage. I would encourage others to reconsider. It's not like Canada is Outer Mongolia or something. ...