
Responses from facten

6922 tube selection
Might also try calling Brent Jesse, knows his tubes, not pushy, and reasonable prices on NOS tubes. No affiliation, just a satisfied customer 
Anyone hear Modwright Elyse DAC?
What did you have done to the base Elyse; why? txs 
Rogue Cronus Magnum Tube Rolling
Adeep42, why not call Mark at Rogue and discuss with him the sound you are trying to achieve and see if he has any tube recommendations. I don't have my Magnum any longer and preferred a warmer vs brighter sound so can't help you with a tube recom... 
Customer Service
Dan Wright of Modwright; Ty Of Tyler Acoustics; Mark at Silnote Audio 
your experience with mod or upgrade companies.....
I don't have an Oppo but the reviews on Dan Wright's (Modwright) are very good. His own products sure are IMHO 
Which integrated tube amp to go with which speaker
I've had an Ayon Spirit 2 with absolutely no issues , and find it pretty engaging 
Moving up from LSA Statement integrated
Haven't heard your amp or speakers so won't offer a specific opinion. Why not contact Reference and ask them directly about tube amps with the speakers you have; also maybe search the Virtual Systems section here if you haven't already see if any ... 
Spkr Cables for JMR Trente
I use ClearDay Cables with JMR Offrande Supremes - 
Connecting an iPod to my MAC 4300?
ipod to hrt Istreamer dac to cd inputs 
Best player for iPhone, pad
As an alternative get yourself a HRT Istreamer dac and you'll have no isses 
Rectifier Tubes 5AR4 : New production vs NOS
I use a Philips 5AR4 in my Modwright LS100 and very satisfied 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
My 18 year old son has no regard for my 2 "speaker based rigs" and even shrugs at my headphone system with Beyerdynamic T1 cans and Ray Samuels Raptor Headphone amp. 
Speaker cable recommendations
Clear Day Cables 
What great speakers can buy direct?
Tyler Acoustic 
6922 Issues / Recommendations
So Nick what tubes did you wind up with?