
Responses from facten

Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
What do you mean by forgiving in a broad range of music? 
Speaker cable suggestions
Clear Day Cables - find them neutral , no harshness, good balance across spectrum 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
Pani, I understood that you meant sonically, so tell me what specifically about the Offrande Supremes; and what was driving them when you made your assessment? 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
What's false in your mind about the speakers he has listed , Pani? 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
I have not had Spendors or Harbeths so I can't compate for you against my JM Reynaud Offrande Supreme 2s. I do find the JMRs to offer a very balanced and refined sound with good soundstaging. Purchased them w/o auditioning and never regreted the d... 
Theres a firesale of the Modwrights oppo 105 units
Freemand, my comments to you were based upon your "intimating" that just becuase there are 5 Modwright Opps for sale that there is a concern about Modwright " red flags" versus who you want to a modded unit from. I was giving you my experiences wi... 
Theres a firesale of the Modwrights oppo 105 units
Freemand, aside from the Elyse Dac I also have Modwright's LS100 pre and KWA100SE power amp - bought all three w/o demo and have been very pleased with the sound and quality of each unit. To each his own but red flags, think not 
Theres a firesale of the Modwrights oppo 105 units
For what it is worth, I don't have a Modwright Modded Oppo but I do have the Modwright Elyse DAC - it is outstanding IMHO - point being not sure I'd be worried about Dan's work 
Primaluna DiaLogue Premium preamp
Brent Jesse's website indicates he has Amperex 7316s; the Tubestore indicates Matsushita 7316s, a couple of others have them as well 
Personal speaker evolution
Technics - Polk - Paradigm - Tyler Acoustics - JM Reynaud - Daedalus (waiting on them to be shipped) 
Recommend half-width transport
2nd the Stello CDT100 
CV181 6SN7 ModWight CD Player ?
I use them in my Modwright LS100 preamp - think they are outstanding 
Anyone Try this?
Thanks for the Herbies recommendation 
Different Power Cords in same system - ok or bad?
I use both Audio Art and Silnote power cords in the same system and there is nothing to my ears detrimental to doing so. I use a Blue Circle power conditioner and it made a positive impact 
CV181 6SN7 ModWight CD Player ?
Dminches, have you tried the Black Treasures?