
Responses from facten

Shuguang Treasure and Psvane 300b tubes
suggest sending AGon message to member trelja - have bought black treasure KT 88s and 6sn7s from him - don't know if he carries the 300b but if he does my experience has been same quality as Grant, better price, excellent service 
Decent power cord for Belles 150A
Audit Art Cable 
Cable Recommendations
Don't have your equipment but you might want to check into Clear Day Cable SCs ; Silnote Audio ICs; Audio Art PCs - all very musical 
12BZ7/12AX7 vs. 5751
surprising comment " i just don't get the whole tune rolling deal" given sounds real audio that you sell tube gear - try it you might be amazed 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
yes it is - now try some 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Audiozen, a dose of humilitry would serve you well 
World's best Pre-amp for $10K and above?
Anyone else think that the second coming of the Almighty has already occurred, cause no one else seems to know a thing 
has anyone had problems with wadia service?
Seattlehifi - we can agree to disagree about the points you made about the warranty, however, if their process has changed then they should have advised customers via their website and warranty card documentation - what's so difficult about giving... 
Rogue Audio Cronus ...what speakers do you love ?
Also used the Magnum with Tyler Decade 3s 
has anyone had problems with wadia service?
Seattlehifi - I commend your willingness to help! What I am amazed at though is your continued defense of the un-defenseable. Wadia products have continued to be marketed via the same website; if your suggestion above is correct and it hasn't been... 
has anyone had problems with wadia service?
I have a Wadia 171i transport and the warranty section also speaks to warranty issues being handled between Wadia and the customer. So what any customer should expect from them is that they handle things on their end as they proscribe. 
has anyone had problems with wadia service?
No where on Wadia's website does it suggest that the customer is to contact the Wadia dealer network for repair support; rather it directs the customer to them. Additionally, when Paperw8 called them, if they in fact wanted him to contact his deal... 
has anyone had problems with wadia service?
Companies merge all the time and those that do it well ensure maintaining high levels of customer service are first and foremost; this should be especially true in an industry such as audio that is not a crucial staple rather it relies upon custom... 
6SN7 Tube pre amp with great sound staging capabil
2nd the Modwright LS100 
Tube favorites for Modwright LS100?
I purchased the LS100 w/o the ability to audition and went right to using a NOS rectifier and the Black Treasure cv181 based upon prior experience with the latter's KT88s and am very pleased - that said the amp needs about 450 hours or so of break...