
Responses from facten

Whats playing on your system today?
Don't Mistreat Your Friends , Clyde Hopkins (blues) 
CHINESE tubes?
My Line Magnetic 518ia's 845s are labelled Line Magnetic but are either Psvane or Shuguang, quiet , nice sounding, reliable so far.  
CHINESE tubes?
I have found the Shuguang Black Treasure CV181s and KT88s provide very good sonics and reliability in my Modwright LS100 preamp, and Ayon Spirit 2 integrated, respectively. I use either NOS Phillips or Mullard 5AR4s in my Modwright LS100; Elyse DA... 
Morrow Audio or Transparent ?
second Clear Day Cable 
CD Transport for a reasonable price (pref under $500)
Have the Cambridge in my second system; nice unit 
Here's my recent FEDEX & UPS experiences - FEDEX guy hand carried each of my 95 lb Daedalus speakers from the end of the truck to my front door and gently put them down.  UPS guy dumped my 90 lb LineMagnetic amp off the back of the truck to my... 
First Hand Experience?
Aside from the speaker impedance you need to consider the input/output impedances of the pre an power amps 
First Hand Experience?
Somewhere along the line you'll need to consider the impedance match between whatever power and pre amps you get; so you might want to decide which of each you ultimately will get regardless of timing. Another consideration might be to go the inte... 
Best KT88s (specifically for VAC Auricle Musiblocs)
I don't have your amp, but IMHO you are better off with the Gold Lions than the base Shuguang tubes, and the Black Treasures are far better than the base Shuguang. To my ears teh Black Treasures are worth the money., and in my experience found the... 
First Hand Experience?
Haven't mentioned what your preamp is? 
Bryston vs Modwright?
Meant to add, Dan Wright is very easy to speak to and willing to have a conversation. I'd give him a call and discuss your equipment, room, music tastes , etc. ; worth the call. One last point, my experience is that Modwright gear isn't partial to... 
Bryston vs Modwright?
I have the Modwright KWA100SE driving Modwright LS100 preamp and formerly JM Reynaud Offrande Supremes and currently Daedalus Argos V2s. To my ears the KWA100SE is very pleasing sounding, not partial to one part of the spectrum, dynamic, non-fatig... 
Tube Rolling questions from a recent addict:
If you go the KT88 route I'd suggest considering Black Treasure KT88s, IMHO they are a step up over the Gold Lion's - have had both in my Ayon Spirit 2. BTs to my ears have more authority and richer sound 
Swapping 5AR4 rectifier for 274B in a PrimaLuna Preamp
Might want to also consider NOS Mullard or GE 5AR4s , use them in my Modwright & LineMagnetic gear.  
Tube Rolling questions from a recent addict:
Here's link link to Brent Jesse's website, pick a tube type and he gives insights into various brands and related tube equivalents; might be of some initial help relative to your second question. http://www.audiotubes.com/ Also relative to that qu...