
Responses from facten

Tube Pre-Amp Recommendation
Ultimately, is a "craftsman's" ability to do what he does best really impacted by simply taking an hour or so to provide some modicum of detail that his customers can view, and thereby get better acquainted with his products? It would seem somewha... 
Tube Pre-Amp Recommendation
To Dragon's and other comments this is a joke for a product page http://www.tuberesearchlabs.com/products/dude.html 
Tube Pre-Amp Recommendation
Teeteebid, in what respects does the Dude beat the LS100; interested as I have the latter? 
Modwright LS100 VS Modwright LS36.5
Clarrie - none that I know of , you need to run music through it not just leaving it turned on - if you have a CD player with repeat or can stream music another way you can get there reasonably quickly 
Modwright LS100 VS Modwright LS36.5
Clarrie, if you get the LS100 just make sure that you give it the 4-500 hours of break-in that Dan recommends to really hear what it sounds like 
Modwright LS100 VS Modwright LS36.5
I have the LS100 with Black Treasure 6sn7s and a Philips 5ar4 and echo Wilysnet's comment about it. I asked Dan Wright about the difference in sound between the 2 and he said that the LS36.5 was faster due to the 6H30. 
what would you do?
"The old bait & switch" Upscale Audio is not ebay pot luck. And, as others have said how could the poster not realize for a year and a half that he received the "wrong amp"? 
Speaker Cable and Interconnects under $1000
Clear Day Cable speaker cables and Silnote Audio ICs 
Apartment system iPod to headphones
istreamer dac very good for the money 
Tube rolling?
Used Gold Lions in my Ayon Spirit 2 , enjoyed them very much, but tried Shuguang Black Treasures and found them to be a few notches up - got them new thru member trelja 
Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables
I use Clear Day Cable jumpers 
iPhone/iTunes best connection advice
hrt istreamer dac surprising good 
Wadia still in business?
Try contacting SeattleHifi - there was another thread a month or so ago about a similar problem and, as a Wadia dealer, intervened on the posters behalf - maybe they can help you as well 
Upgrade from a Cary SLI-80 integrated amp
Rfohe18 since you like the BT KT88s you might want to try their 6sn7s , have them in my Modwright LS100 , wonderful sounding to my ears and agree with you on the KT88s put them in my Ayon Spirit , big improvement 
Shuguang Treasure and Psvane 300b tubes
PS re Greenstone - Shuguang and Shuguang Black Treasures are different tubes the Treasures being higher quality