
Responses from facten

Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...
My experience with Black Treasures versus standard Sino tubes is that the Black Treasures have more body to the sound - richer, more detailed 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
You can get them from Grant Fidelity, PartsConnexion - not affiliated with either 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Take advantage of the deals on here from Silnote - excellent cables - satisfied customer , no other affiliation 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
Brent Jesse is also a very credible source for NOS tubes - not affiliated just a very satisfied customer. Quality product and very easy to talk to and get honest insights from 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
Black Treasure CV181s (6sn7 equivalents) sound great in the LS100; guessing Psvanes would as well and Dan does recommend the Sophia's on his LS100 webpage 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
Can always go for Black Treasure or Psvane CV181s (6sn7s) 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Modwright Elyse DAC - didn't bother with re-issues supplied with it swapped in NOS Mullard 5AR4 and Siemens 69ss A Frame gold pins. Excellent musicality top my ears 
Considering Bricasti and Lampizator
Haven't heard either but will offer another DAC for you to checkout Modwright Elyse tube rectified and 6992 tubes. I use a NOS Mullard 5AR4 and Siemens A frame gold pins, excellent to my ears. 
Amps for Egglestonworks Andra II or Sophia 2
Sboje , why not contact the Eggleston folks and ask them for some recommendations on a SS amp for the Andra. 
Anyone hear Modwright Elyse DAC?
I purchased the Elyse and received it mid last week. I installed a NOS Mullard 5AR4 rectifier and a pair of Seimens A frame , gold pin 6922s. I only have about 25 hours on it, but it has taken my system and listening experience to another level - ... 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
Meant 5AR4 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
I thoroughly enjoy mine using a NOS Philips 5r4a rectifier and black treasure cv181s 
Tube favorites for Modwright LS100?
Jimbones, Dan will tell you that it takes a few hundred hours to break-in. I haven't had any concerns about the sound being as you describe and find it very musical. What tubes are you using? 
Clayton Audio Class A amps. Need amp advice
why don't you speak to the folks at Ascendo see what they'd recommend 
6922 tube selection
BM, Seriously, aside from Andy from are other honest tube guys - Brent Jesse, Tube Depot, Tubemonger , Upscale Audio just to name a few