

Responses from elberoth2

Amp for below 105 Hz
Exlibris - I'm assuming that you need the amp to drive the woofers in your 101Es. A friend of mine, who is also present on this forum, but apparently does not post much, tried a bunch of amps to drive woofers in his 101Ds.To his surprise, the best... 
Shunyata Anatares Interconnect and the three bears
No just guessing. IMO they would give the 501s more texture. 
A friend of mine went from PL-L to PL-P after he got his Avid turntable, and also thought that the PL-P sounded better than PL-L on line level inputs (CD). So it seems that PL-P is the way to go. 
Shunyata Anatares Interconnect and the three bears
I have tried them in my system. The are more transparent than they are warm, but lean ? I wouldn't say so. They have more texture than Valhallas, for example. If I were you, I would try KS Emotion cables with those JRDG amps though. 
Anybody heard Krell SACD mkIII?
Interesting thing is that they pulled the mk III from their web site (and prolly cased the production as well). My guess is that too many owners of mk I and mk II requested the mk III upgrade free of charge. 
Krell SACD Standard-voltage conversions
Check Krell web site. 
Munich Show Report
I agree that the sound in MBL room was medicore this year. 
Wilson Audio Owners.....Sophia's
I'm using mine with ARC Ref 110 and it is a great combination. 
Krell SACD Standard-voltage conversions
Around 500-600 euros. The palyer may need a processor (MCU) change. 
Has anyone used the Klangmodul breakers?
Keithmundy - I have no idea. I do not live in the US. They fit my regular (euro) box just fine. 
Has anyone used the Klangmodul breakers?
I have them in my system. Bought them for the peace of mind while building my dedicated listening room. I never A/B'ed them with the regular stuff. 
Anybody heard Krell SACD mkIII?
Do they still make SACD Standard mk III ? The player just disappeared from KrellĀ“s web page. 
B&W 802D vs. Sophia and
Budt - I think there is no such a thing as "Wilson sound". Not anymore at least. The Sophias sound superbly natural and balanced, which was not always the case with the older designs. Personally, I hated the older Wilson products - WP 3/2, 5.1, 6 ... 
B&W 802D vs. Sophia and
That is strange to say at least. My expirience is quite the opposite. I have heard the Sophias 2 and B&W 800D (so a much more expensive model than 802Ds you are describing) in the same room, driven by the same electronics (ARC & Nagra), an... 
Audio Research Ref 110 vs. ARC HD220
It all depends on the size of your room and the efficiency of your speakers. In my 14x19 room, with Wilson Audio Sophia 2 speakers that are 86dB efficient, I have had absolutely no problems to rise the volume on my Ref 110 to the head banging levels.