

Responses from elberoth2

Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
How much does the Silencer retail for in the US ? 
ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply?
I have a pair of NOS TungSol 6550 Black Plates (solid) from the early 50s - I will try them and will report back. I'm aslo burning in a quartet of NOS 6H30DR tubes. 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
Contacted Halcyonics today and got this interesting info:"Thank you for your inquiry about the Halcyonics Micro 40 series. (...) Laufer Teknik is the worldwide distributor of the Halcyonics line of products to the high-end audio/video industries. ... 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
Tbg - what is the purpose of placing Halcyonics platform on top of a Mana rack ? Does it sound better that way ? 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
Tbg - did you have a chance to try it under a pre or a CDP ? 
Best U.S.A. speakers?
I'm not from the US, but from my perspective:RockportWilsonAvalonThielMagnepanMartin LoganSoundlabVandersteenJoseph AudioVSARevel 
dcs puccini, chord red ref, meitner cdsa or nagra
I have no reasons not to belive you. That was more of a joke. Should have put "j/k" at the end. 
dcs puccini, chord red ref, meitner cdsa or nagra
Then Jonathan Tinn must be regarded as a prime company dismantler in hi-end audio, LOL ! First VSR, now EMM Labs ... 
dcs puccini, chord red ref, meitner cdsa or nagra
Andreas Koch ? The former vice president of EMM Labs ? Never knew that he handled the design part at EMM. Always thought that he was an export manager. 
Amp Stands, Butcher Blocks Etc.
I use Finite Elemente Pagode Master Reference amp stands (see my system pics). I second Albert's opinion - they are expensive, but well worth the money. And they look great. 
why do companies charge double for xlr cables?
IMO the only good answer is Bowbow's: Because they can... 
why do companies charge double for xlr cables?
Good RCA connectors cost as much as XLR ones (and great RCA connectors cost MORE than great XLRs). 
dcs puccini, chord red ref, meitner cdsa or nagra
VOSP or VRDS, the fact that the company that tries to market such an expensive product doesn't have a web page is very ... weird.I would like to know WHO designed this products and what are the specs.I have a strange feeling that I'm not alone. 
Audio Research 230/240 volts
This is not exactly true. At least not in all cases. A friend of mine attempted to convert his Ref 2 mk 2 preamp, and it turned out that althought 2 of the transformers were universal, the third wasn't. He had to order a new one. 
Audio Research 230/240 volts
You will be just fine.