

Responses from elberoth2

Mark Levinson 390S reprogramming
Then your CD-Pro2 mechanism is probably dead. 
Amp for Sonus Faber Electa Amator
I got a friend who runs EA with a 16W 300B SET amp. 
USB reclocker pecking order?
Halidge Designs Bridge seems to be the current favourite under $500 at Computer Audiophile. Got one myself. 
Audiolab 8200cd and dac
I would say it is fairly neutral. Sounds warmer than my dCS Puccini for sure, which I find a bit cold/sterile sounding. 
Sonus Faber Stradivari amp: X600.5 or X1000.5 ?
How can that be? A lowly "60 WPC" class A amp slugging it out with a "250 WPC" class A/B and coming out on top?Pass haevily underrates the output power of all their XA series amps. The lil XA-30.5 was measured in Stereophile, and turned out to put... 
Theta dac to match Theta Data Basic II transport
The new Arcam rDAC ($450) will somoke all of those ancient Thetas I'm afraid. 
Audiolab 8200cd and dac
Yes, dCS is far superior. But you have to put that into perspective - Audiolab costs only ~ $1000 (not sure of US pricing). For the money, Audiolab is excellent IMO. 
Int. amp for Dynaudio Focus 140 speakers
Of the two Krell is better (Krells in general, sound good with Dynaudio), however, as per Xti16 sugestion, I would also put the Supernait on your short list. 
Kondo, Zanden, CJ, Ref 5? Pre w/ Pure Tonal Color?
Have you ever thought about replacing your Gryphon amp instead of CJ preamp ?IMO if you are looking to add texture without loosing transparency, you should rather consider changing your Antileon to Lamm ML2.1 (or the new ML2.2) and keeping your CJ... 
Audiophile Custom Plates...
Gryphon owner (in Denmark) used to have a GRYPHON plates on his Alfa 166 a while back. 
Esoteric K-01
I'm on the same boat. I did not hear the improvement from adding a clock to my Puccini integrated player, and yet I can clearly hear its effect on dCS separates. 
Esoteric K-01
Audiofeil - I think that it would be beneficial to audio community in general if you write about your audio discoveries / experiences or whatever instead of wasting your time bashing other manufacturers / products / dealers. It is not fun to read ... 
Best Hobby related purchase of 2010
Pure Power 2000 battery powered AC Regenerator. It has bought the single biggest improvement to my system in the past 4-5 years.Pure Power made me belive in power conditioning. Before trying the PP2000, I have tried several such a units in the pas... 
D'Agostino Interview
Krell Power Cord was introduced after Dan left the company. 
New dCS Puccini 1,21 version
But most SACD's sound better with DSD upsampling.There is no 'DSD upsampling' when playing SACD. SACD discs are already is DSD format ;)