
Responses from edesilva

USB to spdif converter that passes 96Khz/24 bit?
That one is based on the M-Audio transit, there are also well regarded models from Waveterminal, like the U24. These devices route all audio from the computer to the digital output, should work for DVD/CD playback in realtime as well. Note all aud... 
Audio with an HDTV with only digital audio output?
Every CATV box I've ever seen has analog outputs. You would need something to switch them tho', I agree. Couple options for you...Could get a cheap, but decent, DAC like the ART DI/O and run the coax digital output from the TV into that, and then ... 
Mini Mac as audio server?
After doing some further research, I think I'm actually going to use one of the Waveterminal U24s. I'm curious though, since the Edirol is just a USB audio device (i.e., routes audio out to USB and converts to PCM), how can you say the Grace is be... 
iTunes idiot needs some help
I think I was getting 10:1 compression using the LAME alt preset extreme setting, which, to my ear, sounded far better than similar sized constant bit rate (CBR) mp3s. The extreme setting has been argued by a number of folks to be total overkill, ... 
iTunes idiot needs some help
You can get LAME, which does various mp3 compression types on a standalone basis, and run those on the files to get mp3 versions. You would end up with both WAV and MP3 versions on the HDD and iTunes would presumably see both. Maybe you could have... 
Audio with an HDTV with only digital audio output?
Why not go from the video source (CATV box/DirecTV box/DVD) directly into the amp and bypass the TV's audio? 
Mini Mac as audio server?
By iPod mini, do you mean iPod Shuffle? That is the new one--the iPod mini has been out a while..iPod Shuffle has no display -> no track selection -> :(Gunbei, RAID 5 is a lot more efficient than mirroring and gets you redundancy... B'sides,... 
Mini Mac as audio server?
Thx Gunbei... I think I'm going to pull the trigger. I like the DVI output->EDTV Plasma/iTunes concept. I've been using Edirol UA-1Ds for USB audio, but this seems like a good opportunity to pick up a waveterminal and do a comparison (I gather ... 
USB vs Digital Out from Audigy 2 Sound Card
The Edirol does too, apparently. The Head Fi guys seem to recommend M-Audio Transits or M-Audio Sonicas. Those don't work for me, however, b/c I've only got an RCA PCM input to my DAC. 
What should I use between spikes and wood floor?
Er, don't use pennies. Tried that with a pair of ProAc RS2s and Target RS4 sand-filled stands. The spikes punched through the pennies and still marred the floor... 
Trying to find a USB to RCA adapter.
If you are looking for an external device that connects via firewire, look at:http://www.zzounds.com/cat--Firewire-Audio-Interfaces--2420They also have another section with similar USB external devices. 
Pronto codes for dCS gear?
FYI, someone sent me a factory sheet with the RC5 codes for the dCS home audio line, if anyone else needs 'em. 
USB vs Digital Out from Audigy 2 Sound Card
I like my Edirol UA-1D--I run it into a Theta IIIA, and the set up works nicely for MP3s and WAVs. That said, if you already have a digital out, I don't know how much you gain. I did note, in the incarnations of my set up, that a long USB run to t... 
Music from hard drive better than CD?
I knew there was a reason to wait on the server 'til after CES announcements... This puppy is due out in Feb. May not be as quiet as the Niveus, but at this price ($1K) it can live in the garage...http://www.buffalotech.com/products/product-detail... 
Maryland,Wash.DC Metro area
I'd be interested, but if its "centered" around Soundworks, you can count me out.