
Responses from edesilva

all preamps gain and phase.
Jafox--I gather the ability to hear absolute phase isn't like "normal" hearing. Some hear it, some don't. Think its called "Woods Effect" or something. 
CD/DVD storage units
I've had four of the Can Am units over the years--sold one here not too long ago. These things are *heavy*. Industrial strength, and moving them around is a chore. That said, they have followed me around for a couple moves and still look new. The ... 
Mini Mac as audio server?
Actually, its Eric...My house if far less color coded w.r.t. ethernet cables, I got gray, blue, yellow, white, green, orange, red... I never thought, as joe-average-consumer, that I'd be acting as the IT department for a home network that involves... 
Mini Mac as audio server?
Fishpatrol--I've never seen data rates given as megabytes per second; I did mean megabits per second, but I'm guessing that if you are reading some log, its probably also megabits per second. Gunbei--I would love it if keeping my ethernet cables s... 
Component video switcher
Check into the Audio Authority 1154 available at http://www.copperbox.com.DVI and HDMI are digital, RGB is analog. There are DVI/HDMI dongles, but nothing simple for RGB/DVI or RGB/HDMI. 
Mini Mac as audio server?
1 mbps? That does seem slow... I thought the nominal spec on 11b was 10 mbps. Does the Airport let you change channels? 11b in the US runs on either channel 6 or 11--the channel nos. are 5 MHz apart, but you need a 25 MHz channel, so 1-5 don't wor... 
PC Audio FAQ/Primer
PCM=pulse code modulation. I did forget the airport express. Whups. I'm newish to the mac world and actually havent' tried that one.I think the apogee only comes with a USB interface--firewire may not be an option. The apogee may have a price tag ... 
PC Audio FAQ/Primer
What kind of stereo do you have--in particular, do you have the ability to use either toslink or RCA coax digital inputs (i.e., a digital receiver or a standalone digital-to-analog converter--a DAC)?Think about things in this manner... Digital mus... 
What about a product can irritate you?
Damn. You guys are smart.The little EZCD tool may still be worth the money, 'cos half the time when I try to open a CD wrapper by sliding my thumbnail up and down, I end up with the functional equivalent of a paper cut trying to unhinge more of my... 
What about a product can irritate you?
CD wrapping. Its not enough to put the jewel case in some impermeable plastic wrapper, they have to put another piece of plastic across one edge that shreds when you try to pull it off. 
Mini Mac as audio server?
My NAS is hardwired ethernet. iTunes pulls wav files through w/o any stutters. Took me a while to figure out how to automatically tag the files (which show up as just song title w/o artist or album) from the directory structure, but thanks to appl... 
High speed internet via electrical power lines
Interesting. But, just because it isn't a trial or pilot doesn't mean Cin isn't a test market--they may be operating at a significant loss. There isn't anything new to using power lines as carriers. The problem is that the modulated signals don't ... 
High speed internet via electrical power lines
As I understand it, they need to jumper the signals over the step down transformers anyway, so its not suddenly going to corrupt the entire power grid. I wouldn't worry about it until you start seeing ads from your local provider. That may, er, *n... 
Audio Grade Fuse, Anyone?
I seem to recall that Mission, the UK audio mfr, didn't want to "corrupt" the signal from its amps and built one without a fuse. Since the little thing would put out 60 amps, I believe they also demonstrated, at one point, use of their amp to weld... 
Who woulda thunk?
Ya know who is missing? The Doors. "Light My Fire" is *made* to sell something.I gather JM did something odd in the early days of the band, and set things up so that all four were equal owners of the publishing rights. The ability to use The Doors...