
Responses from edesilva

No More Pop-Ups
I'll second Mozilla, seems to do everything IE does, except its just easier and better... Try this:http://www.mozilla.orgI will confess, however, that I seem to have some authentication issues with certain sites. Other than that... 
Integrated amp to drive ProAc 1sc
Hmm... Haven't listened to the 1sc, my experience is w/the 2s and 3.8s. I used to run Quicksilver mono amps with my 2s, which was a nice combination, but a little on the dark side... If the 1scs are hot, the Quickies might be a decent match... 
Apogee MiniDac vs Benchmark DAC1 via USB
For long runs, I had bad luck w/toslink... Just sounded cloudy. I use an Edirol UA-1D, which converts USB to coax with a looooong USB run and a short coax run to my Theta DAC. 
Problem with EAC
I had that sort of glitch recently. I changed the "freedb.freedb" to "www.freedb" and now it works fine. I think freedb.freedb tries to connect you with a random server and there may be some issue with it. www.freedb.org is here in the US--you can... 
Integrated amp to drive ProAc 1sc
I've had really good luck running ProAcs with ARC gear; I've also heard the ProAc line is voiced with ARC electronics. I've got VT100s powering my 3.8s and D240s powering my 2s. If you are looking for an integrated, you might look at the ARC CA li... 
need to hook up plasma to hd box
RGBHV is "analog" and DVI is digital, so no cable will connect the two... I suspect a box converter is going to be expensive. The HV refer to separate horizontal and vertical sync cables. I think normal "component" is sync on green or something li... 
Any other Pat Martino fans out there?
I heard him perform live at Blues Alley about 9 mo. ago. His technique is mind-blowing. Unfortunately, he left me feeling like form was elevated over substance... I just didn't get the emotional oomph from his performance... Maybe it was an off ni... 
ProAc D15 good also for Rock?
I can't speak specifically for the D15s, but I think ProAcs rock... I picked up a pair of Response 2s a dozen or so years ago, but relegated those to a study and "upgraded" to ESLs. I got captured by the transparency and speed of 'stats. After pla... 
Why so much????
I probably have close to 1500 CDs and 500 LPs. I know I listen to a few of them much, much more than the rest. Given that the GF is now moving in, for space reasons I decided to leave the bulk of them accessible only as mp3s and keep a couple hund... 
How international is your system?
Never thought I was "buy US" biased until I read this thread... The US is the source of the overwhelming majority of my gear--6 amps, 2 pre's, 1 pre/pro, 2 DACs, a phono stage, TT & arm, CD/DVD, 2 sets of speakers, 3 power filters, and all ICs... 
Can tube amps play loudly?
Er, Swampwalker & Jeffreybehr, I think on a log scale like db, 3dB is double. I also believe that SPL drops off as the square of distance, so 6dB for 2x distance seems right. But, 4m is only double 2m and 2m is double 1m, so I'm thinking a tot... 
Please explain gain
I think you'll find that a lot of line-level crossovers (which is what you need for "active" bi-amping) will have gain controls to provide the adjustments you need. You might also be able to simply put a stepped attenuator in line to adjust gain o... 
Can component video send 720p or only dvi/hdmi?
Yes, component video (3-5 cables) will pass 720p/1080i in analog. DVI/HDMI do it digitally. 
Refinishing/Painting Speakers
There was a recent thread on this:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?cspkr&1091477522&read&keyw&zzrefinishing 
Apple Lossless Wirelessly
With respect to changing channels on your base stn, you might want to consider that the channel designations are 5 MHz apart, and the bandwidth of the transmission is more like 25 MHz. So, the standard US channels for WiFi in the 2 GHz band are 1,...