
Responses from edesilva

I may have implied too much. On my TV, with HD source material, DVI looks better. Rwwear is right--it varies depending on the monitor and whether, in essence, the D/A conversion is better in your source or your monitor. There are a lot of people t... 
I like the DVI better than the component input on my TV. Unfortunately, there is no box that will convert DVI/HDCP to DVI in the clear. The whole point of HDCP is to prevent such things... 
Audiophile USB to PCM
When you say you "convert the VBR mp3," do you mean turn it back into a .wav? Hmm. If that is what you meant, one possible explanation may be that the CPU has to do more processing on an mp3 and that somehow causes audible changes--i.e., its "easi... 
Short XLR Connectors???
Look about 1/2 way down the page for the right angle connectors. You might be able to find someone who will do a custom termination for you:http://www.audiogear.com/Neutrkcart.html 
Mini Mac as audio server?
I'm guessing you didn't get the fan to kick on. Mine's a 1.4 GHz w/1 GB, but it takes a lot--like HD video rendering--to get the fan to kick on. I'll run iTunes/visualizer without hearing a peep. When it comes on, its audible. Trust me on this one... 
Audiophile USB to PCM
Rsbeck, the apogee is a fine DAC, from all I've heard. But, I don't think it is in the same league as the Hbrandt's $14K dCS stack. While apogee is forward thinking in incorporating USB into the box, there are very high end DACs that don't--the U2... 
Mini Mac as audio server?
Fishpatrol is right on. I've used the mini to playback some 720p and 1080i files, and the fan kicks in almost immediately--it is quiet for a computer, but it is audible to me 9 ft away without any soundtrack.Apparently iTunes doesn't require the m... 
Using directory info to tag in iTunes?
I've used cddb in connection ripping on EAC, but I always thought it was CD-based, not song based. It would be nice if it would look up individual songs, but I'm not sure it can... Maybe I will give it a whirl and see. 
What is " lowball"
Why get aggravated? If you get aggravated over whether or not an offer is a lowball, do you really want to do business together? Nasty email/no email/lousy offer--my answer is the same. Chill out, put on some tunes, and find a deal elsewhere. 
What is " lowball"
Do you want to deal or not? If it doesn't say OBO, than offers other than asking are uncalled for.If it does say OBO, make an offer.So you are a buyer and you get a lowball... Ignore the email and move on with your life, don't raise your blood pre... 
Moved from 2 channel to Home Theatre - Regrets?
Lazarus-You have a very sweet setup. I'm not sure everyone going the 2 channel route is saying "don't bother with multichannel"--or at least I didn't. If movies or SACD are your raison d'etre, or at least you get a big and continuing kick out of s... 
Moved from 2 channel to Home Theatre - Regrets?
I used to have HT... Theta Casablanca feeding three big ARC stereo amps, speakers all over the place. I recently decided that it wasn't lending a lot of enjoyment to my experience. Half the time, even watching movies, I never bothered to even turn... 
Mini Mac as audio server?
I've got an apple BT wireless keyboard & mouse. For couch-type use, however, I think a BT trackball would be a better "fit"... unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to find one...I've got the miniMac attached to my reference rig... The USB ou... 
Mini Mac as audio server?
BT=bluetooth... wireless.The mini has a DVI out--plugs into my HDTV so I can run iTunes from the couch. The visualizer on a 42" plasma is pretty trippy.It is not a complete computer... Needs an audio interface like the Waveterminal, needs a keyboa... 
Mini Mac as audio server?
A mini is a G4, and clocks in at less than $600 w/the BT keyboard and mouse.Besides, I hear its quieter than the G4 notebooks.Besides, it just looks *cool*!A laptop just looks like a laptop.;)