
Responses from edesilva

Technical Help with DIY Power cords, Please?
You might want to also check out:http://www.venhaus1.com/diymains.htmlVery highly rated, and good instructions... 
Any woodworkers wanna offer some advice?
Thanks Rob, very helpful answer. Would have answered before, but managed to sneak out to Jackson Hole for few days over the New Years...I was going to go with through tenons on the outside legs and for the front-to-back stretchers on the inside le... 
High End User Interface for PC Audio
I find combining Slimserver and iTunes a headache. I have dual libraries--AAC files for portable iPod and ALAC for home use. The only way of keeping the AAC files out of slimserver and clogging that up (esp. since you can't tell an AAC from an ALA... 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible?
Hmm... I think I've heard the dock uses a line out that byplasses the audio amp in the iPod, but the iPod is still doing DAC duty. From what I gather, however, the amp in the iPod is pretty compromised, so the difference bewteen the headphone out,... 
What new gear will you be buying this year?
Damn, I'm jealous. I think all I'm buying this year is a pair of wedding bands and a high end dinner for 200 of my closest friends. 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible?
Whups Marco, ya beat me to it. You're only getting 170 CDs on 60GB w/ALAC? Seems odd. I thought I was running about 450MB per CD in WAV format, and thought ALAC was generally better than 2:1 compression over WAV.Maybe I just listen to highly compr... 
Is iPod Digital Output Possible?
Elevick-I wouldn't assume on an audiophile forum that the music on Marco's iPod is mp3 format... And, with a ALAC lossless compression at about 200 MB per CD, you can store about 300 CDs on a 60 GB iPod. More than enough for any airplane ride I'd ... 
iTunes & EAC
Well, you can *sort* of tag wav files in iTunes... If you import a wav into iTunes, you can specify album/artist/genre. Unfortunately, the "tag" is only part of the library file, and not part of the [file].wav itself, so its not portable, and if y... 
If Rowland made PC cases.....
When I was thinking HTPC, I stared long and hard at the A-Tech cases--http://www.atechfabrication.com--especially the Heatsink 6000. No fans, nice and quiet.I decided I didn't want to really do video, tho', so instead I bought a little Serener hea... 
Are Meridian Pre-Amps Awful or Something?
I kinda like her tho'...B'sides, this way the big tube amps go into my study with my Proac RS2s, the LS5 Mk III, the PH3SE and the turntable. :) 
Are Meridian Pre-Amps Awful or Something?
The LS16 would be about the only control element I couldn't access via RS232. Think my only options would be to upgrade my old Theta Casablanca to III status and get the upgrade to Xtreme DACs or go with something like a Levinson preamp. Nothing r... 
High End User Interface for PC Audio
The Squeezebox is a thin client. It interacts with a server program running on another network machine. Simplistically, the SB3 is a remote control front end that displays stuff as told by the server program, manages commands (like add this song t... 
DAC with remote for input select?
Krellboy-Guess I'm not sure what you are after--I thought you said DAC with switchable input? You could put the coax digital audio switch before the DAC--i.e., run Sat, dvd, etc. into the switch and then to any DAC that takes a coax digital in and... 
How to connect Computer to stereo system.
I think Kenn39 did mean preamp. In the typical lingo, an integrated amp is just a pre-amp and power amp in the same chassis. Most integrateds, therefore, won't have a built in DAC, although there may be exceptions. Usually, if they have DAC capabi... 
High End User Interface for PC Audio
You really like the gyration thing? Problem is... Don't ya still need to be able to read the monitor and focus on small lines to select items to play? Having a w/less keyboard and mouse work at 100' is great only if you have a Jumbotron to see it ...