
Responses from edesilva

Anyone know WMA?
Hmmm... What do your song files look like? When I rip, I specify for EAC the following format: %A\%C\%N-%T (This examples presumes ripping to wav files)... That gives me a structure where, for example, I have:C:\..\My Music\Cash, Johnny\American R... 
New home - shoulda woulda coulda's
Put 100BaseT ethernet *everywhere*... 
Can a PC match the quality of the best CD players?
Hmm... I think I've made some blanket statements in the past that USB was effectively jitter-free; that was based on my understanding that USB was an async protocol that had to be buffered and reclocked. I conceded, however, that jitter could be i... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
Oh dear god... No water for cask strength whisky? Its wrong in my book--the intense alcohol content blows away your taste buds; you get much more flavor from a light touch of water. Don't ask me, ask the Scots...Then again, I was recently in a sho... 
After ripping with EAC, what?
Haven't tried that route... In reality, I don't spend a lot of time listening in the places where I've got SB3s set up--the bedroom and the garage. In both cases, I'm content to hit a playlist and let 'em run. But, for the main rig, I've got a muc... 
Tips for tagging classical rips?
Er, Hamburg... Is there a way to do *what*? If you are asking whether its possible to tag classical files, it depends on the format the file is in... Some formats (e.g., WAV) have no tags. Others have standardized tags, but the tag definitions vary. 
Anyone know WMA?
Hmm... I'm suddenly wondering... Did you fire up Meedio/WMP and then "open" a song in your collection to play or double click on the song file itself and have that launch Meedio or WMP?For most players, and this applies to both foobar and iTunes a... 
After ripping with EAC, what?
I think the concept with APX is that you are using it in conjunction with a laptop to provide the display/control. They are in different leagues; I use a number of SB3s in my house and find the remote control options limiting. Much prefer sitting ... 
Windows media player 10
Hmm... People seem to be conflating two concepts... EAC is a ripper... It just takes what is on a CD and renders it into WAV files (basically, straight PCM data in a wrapper) on your computer, and with "secure" mode set, it does it very, very well... 
After ripping with EAC, what?
I think you want a good player, like foobar...Definitely go with USB repeater cables for a run that length. 
compressing music files
Who is Curtis?Lemme take a wild stab and guess the bulk of your files are goth metal?Sure, you can compress an mp3 to ever smaller files. The trade off is audio quality, which is going to get worse and worse. The basic gist is that by going to a s... 
Does length matter with Toslink cables
Eldartford--I agree, but also believe commercial fibre typically uses lasers, rather than cheap LEDs, and also use repeaters for longer runs... May not be completely apples to apples. 
Anyone know WMA?
I'm a little confused, not sure whether you are talking about tagging or libraries...EAC, as with most other rippers, use internet databases to look up song information--track, titles, genre, track number, album. If you look under "EAC Options" an... 
Does length matter with Toslink cables
I ran a 30' run off toslink off a USB audio device to a remote DAC. It was a cheapo toslink, but the quality improvement when I went to a 30' USB run and a short toslink cable was immense. Not immense like the difference between a $5000 and $10000... 
Fast Channel Navigation - Who can Do it???
Problem is that with digital video compression, they only generally send a full frame every second or so; everything in between in is in the form of "whats changed since the last update." So, it means that if you want a pic when you change channel...