
Responses from edesilva

What do I need to use my PC as a music server
Wagzel, the xitel looks interesting as an option, although I'm leery of anything that "bundles" 30 feet of three different kinds of interconnects. Do you know if it maintains the 44.1 kHz sampling rate like the M-Audio and Waveterminal, or convert... 
Anyone know WMA?
Sounded like Josep was committed to Meedio for whatever reason, otherwise I probably would recommend foobar, even though I actually find foobar's UI kind of a pain. The only other downside is that using foobar/WAV still leaves you with the problem... 
mp3 bit stream to DAC?
Are you thinking new XBox? The 360 will act as a media server and even allow access to music files on other networked computers on your LAN, as long as they are running Windows OS (actually, might have to be running Windows Media Center Edition...... 
Anyone know WMA?
I'm not too familiar with FLAC, other than its lossless. I thought--without investigation--that there are some issues with the tags being standardized. I've also never used WMP or Meedio. The problems you may be having may be due to the nonstandar... 
mp3 bit stream to DAC?
GCE.The bitstream created by an mp3 is format identical (although not content identical) to a CD transport; the player has a digital algorithm in it to convert mp3s to a PCM stream that is probably 16 bit 44.1 kHz, maybe 16 bit 48 kHz (used by a l... 
Anyone know WMA?
Apple Lossless isn't a lossy compression scheme. If you get good rips out of EAC, which should be bit-perfect, you can create m4a files out of iTunes using Apple Lossless (not AAC!) that are reversible into bit-perfect WAV files. Just smaller by a... 
Anyone know WMA?
This is a pretty dated post... I've since gone Apple Lossless. My understanding is that you have to be careful with WMA, since it can be configured as lossy or lossless. Incidentally, CDs tend to average about 450-500MB, not the full 720MB capacit... 
What do I need to use my PC as a music server
Hmm... Aida_w, even Apple (the original firewire cheerleader) is moving away from that to USB--my understanding (could be wrong and too lazy to look it up) is that the new Macs don't even come with firewire. USB2.0 may be better for long term comp... 
What do I need to use my PC as a music server
My recollection is that most USB drives are Mac and PC compatible, but I'm not sure that means they can be swapped willy-nilly between the two. The NAS boxes are safe though, since they are intended to be network file servers. I know I used to acc... 
"Professional" or "Commerical" Display Monitors
The commercial pannys have slots that you can configure with whatever inputs you want, or at least they did back in the day when I bought a 42" panny EDTV; I think the same applies with the pios. There are consumer plasmas w/o the chinzy speakers-... 
Xbox help
Its more an HD adapter. There should be something in the set up menu to switch to 16x9 format output. Its game dependent tho'--some games are 720p, some 1080i, some 480p. Look on the box and it should show... 
MP3, WAV,AAC,Audible,AIFF,Apple Lossless
Minor points, but... Ckorody--you said EAC and I think you prolly meant something else; EAC is a CD ripper that can be configured to produce nearly any format audio, whether ALAC, AAC, WAV, MP3, FLAC, etc. Sfar, but Apple Lossless *is* a compressi... 
Computer nerds, please help
Hmm... even a low end Hush is in the $8/GB range... If you are looking for cost effective storage, A terastation is less than $1/GB, can be configured with RAID 5, and will run slimserver:http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=15671&hi... 
Computer nerds, please help
Another option is the Buffalo Terastation--its a NAS that can be configured as a RAID 5 drive (mine is). I also gather it will run slimserver, although I haven't tried that.I use my Buffalo to store all my Apple Lossless files (//elvis/My_Music/Ar... 
What do I need to use my PC as a music server
In a world where computers are pretty easy to understand, I have a hard time seeing the role of dedicated music servers. Frankly, the lack of expandability in most would be enough to drive me away. I also tend to think the price/performance ratio ...