
Responses from edcyn

Qobuz Figaro
I'm happily addicted to the Blumlein-miked Vittorio Gui conducted Glyndebourne Marriage of Figaro on EMI.  Genial.  Lovely.  Truly 3 D.  How many times have I listened to Side 5?  Two hundred times?  And only a couple added scratches & pops. 
New Turntable Direction
The title of your thread got me wondering...  How many turntable models run counter-clockwise? 
8 track tape vs 1st press vinyl
I think my dad had an 8 track recorder.  I think it was tossed into the attic after a couple months. 
Difference Maker!
Yeah, I got an earwax removal several years ago.  It was amazing how trebly everything became. 
Best Rock Song Ever!
Fun thread!  You guys have unlocked the door to my memory.  Voodoo Chile, Slight Return.  Dazed and Confused.  Won't Get Fooled Again.  Stairway to Heaven, of course.  Lou Reed's Walk on the Wild Side, featuring one of the most evocative sax solos... 
Found an excellent classical recording on Qobuz
My Go To performance of the symphony is still Bruno Walter's on an old Odyssey.  But, yeah, I gotta try the Giulini. 
What do/did you do for a living?
I’m fairly sure I’ve already related this in another thread, but I’m another retired Hollywood denizen. Spent about thirty years as a Story Analyst at a couple major motion picture studios. Essentially, I wrote book reports for a living. I’d read ... 
Separates to tube integrated
I simplified my life a good while ago by replacing my Electrocompaniet PreAmp/Quicksilver Mono power amps combo with a Primaluna Prologue Integrated.  Have never looked back. 
... abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound...
ghjuvanni -- Cool! You guys heard a difference and you didn’t like the more expensive, aftermarket power cord alternative. Ah, listening to your ears! 
Best Rock Song Ever!
It's fun to see the various styles you guys are attracted to.  Some like it snappy & quick in the style of the Ramones.  Some like it at a medium tempo with some sincere guy wailing above it all, and with a big guitar solo during the break.  S... 
Alternatives to Brick and Mortar
jaytor -- I recently retired to a small town in Hawaii where high end retailers are few and far between, but I lived in L.A. for most of my life and for much of that life I've been an audio enthusiast.  In those days I always put my money down at ... 
is this the greatest live band of all time?
limomangus -- Me and my sister went to elementary school and beyond alongside Allan Sherman's two kids.  One day, I think it was Sixth Grade (early 1960's), Nancy Sherman showed up in class with "My Son the Folksinger."  She said her dad was shock... 
... abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound...
All I can say is that my aftermarket audiophile power cords were laid on me.  I didn't pay a cent for them so I don't have to feel defensive about them.  I continue to hear a modest if not earthshaking improvement when I switch out the stock cords... 
Stylus shape?
Here’s a rough-and-ready comparison, from a guy who’s mounted at least a half-dozen cartridges with a now ancient Dennesen Soundtracker -- Conical styli are inexpensive and easy to set up for pretty good, easy on the ears sound but they come up sh... 
What's your profession? Age?
I'm in my late 60's and am blissfully retired.  I made my living at a couple of major Hollywood film studios in what is euphemistically called "development."   Ya know the old insult that goes "who's the idiot who told them to make that movie?"  W...