
Responses from edcyn

Audiogon thread issues
An Audiogon representative (I wish I could remember her name!) told me that some web hosts don't work as well as others for the Audiogon site.  Indeed, Firefox can't seem to fully open the longer threads. She told me to try Microsoft Edge.  And da... 
Your favorite audio cartoons
The Rodriguez one where the audiophile is listening to a "boom, boom, boom" upstairs on his stereo and his wife is downstairs, boom, boom, booming a broom onto the ceiling. 
DeoxIT on cables/Jacks?
Love the stuff.  I live in a very humid clime. I regularly spray it on my preamp's volume pot and switching knob.  Not only does the stuff quiet extraneous noise, it lends me just a little bit more clarity, imaging and life. 
Favorite Guitar Solo
And how could I forget? Mississippi John Hurt. 
Favorite Guitar Solo
@oldaudiophile -- Bert Jansch, John Renbourn and Doc Watson are among my greatest acoustic guitar influences, along with my two top influences John Fahey and Paul Simon.  Whenever I pick up one of my acoustics, my fingers instinctively do tunes by... 
What are you streaming tonight?
@16f4 -- I clicked on the Qobuz Home Page's "In the Heights" soundtrack, too. Excellent sound. To my ears the vocals were multi-miked but the sound was still spacious, clear & beautiful overall. Trouble is, despite the quality of the performan... 
New mid priced integrated for 75 yo widow with Gallo 3.1s
Hey, all you Neighbor Islanders!  The closest thing to a high-end audio retail outlet this Hilo resident has found is the local Office Max. In other words, me and the internet have become pals. 
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget
I have no idea if they're still produced but I've never stopped loving my NOLA Boxer speakers. Yeah, I use a subwoofer to descend below about a hundred hertz, but above that it's all clean, beautiful, spacious tonality.  They can and often do put ... 
Stylus Cleaning Rituals
I choose among the various stylus brushes that dwell on the turntable shelf. Normally, I’ll use either of my two stiff brushes. If there’s just a single hair festooned to the stylus I’ll brush it away with a slender, very gentle watercolor paint b... 
What are you streaming tonight?
Right now I'm enjoying absolutely wonderful sound on a Primephonic (cd quality?) stream of the complete ballet Coppelia by Leo Delibes.  A Decca recording with Richard Bonynge conducting l'Orchestre de la Swisse Romande. Sweet as a nut. Ample soun... 
Mahler vs. Strauss
To be sure, there's a good deal of Richard Strauss I like.  I truly love the Four Last Songs, the opera Ariadne Auf Naxos (some utterly sublime tunes!) and at least the opening fanfare of Thus Spake Zarathustra.  But yeah, I ultimately find him a ... 
Vinyl...should I stay, or should I go?
@jrw1971I love this forum dearly but don't get me started on its quirks. Compared to the other sites I inhabit (among others, a bicycle forum and a violin forum), Audiogon's software just doesn't seem to want to create a readable message. What you... 
Why did you choose the components and speakers that are in your system?
I've played and listened to all kinds of music in my day, and I was lucky enough to live in a locale (Southern California) that had enough retail stereo outlets to allow me to audition whole rafts of hi-end components.  Eventually, I was able to a... 
Tidal hifi
I pitted Tidal against Qobuz during free trial periods and ended up with Qobuz, but that isn't any knock against Tidal. I found Tidal to be a quality, easy to navigate, very hi-fidelity source. It's just that Qobuz offered more classical, and I pr... 
Considering an integrated
@millercarbon -- Sure I'm comparing my just-declared-obsolete Mytek Brooklyn Bridge's moving coil input with a so-old-they've-discovered-them-in-cave-dwellings Moon LP3 dedicated phono stage, but the Mytek makes the Moon come off as tubby, dead an...