
Responses from edcyn

Analogue Productions announces May 21st release of ultimate Kind Of Blue LP
Do I lose all audiophile cred by admitting I only own one copy of Kind of Blue, a regular production LP I bought in the 1970's? Which I still play more often than I should? 
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery
To thine own ears be true! 
classical music
What? I agree with millercarbon? My Koetsu was absolutely splendid with an orchestra's string section. Grado carts do pretty well, too. 
Classical Rock
Chad and Jeremy -- Of Cabbages and KingsELP -- pretty much everything.Renaissance -- the rock group. Sorry to say, I just can't find any of their LPs on my shelves. Did I sell them all? 
Do you care about car audio?
Though my BMWs had pretty good audio, I've never owned genuinely first rate car audio gear. I also have to say that if I ever heard truly first rate audio in somebody's car/SUV etc., I can't remember it.  Usually, when somebody, like a car salesma... 
Your Top 10...Are the majority from when you were a teen?
As much as I still like stuff I listened to in my teenage years (not to mention in my childhood years), I like stuff I've encountered later in life at least as much if not more.  But yeah, I'm definitely an outlier in this regard. Fortunately, so ... 
When did you most enjoy the music?
I've been nuts for music since I was three. Every record player/music system I've ever had has given me pleasure and a good 90% of the upgrades I've gotten over the centuries has made things better still. Right now I'm listening to some modernist ... 
How many vinyl albums do you own you listen to?
Maybe 1600 LPs, many in box sets. I'm not going to count the wife's, which has got to be in the mid three figures. I've gotten ridden of my share over the years, too. As for actually adding to the count, I probably haven't gotten a slice of vinyl ... 
What is an audiophile? Are you an audiophile?
Good insight, sheps! 
What is better, analog or digital?
How 'bout another platitude? It's the musician who counts, not the instrument. 
Why Does All Jazz Sound The Same?
Hey, I think all Baroque sounds the same. Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle jing. 
What is an audiophile? Are you an audiophile?
Yeah, I'm giving you a rough first draft here, but here goes...  Audiophiles love music.  Though their individual tastes and preferences may vary, they want to be able to reproduce the music they love as closely to their tastes & perceptions a... 
HiDef streaming troubles
Yeah, my electrician came by and inserted a breaker that works. And at this moment, at least, I'm livin' large. I'm listening to a Qubuz Hi-Res(!) stream of a supremely well-recorded, lovely performance of the obscure early 20th Century French lig... 
Turntable Speed
ibmjunkman -- Thirty-three-and-a-fourth. Scandalous! 
Turntable Speed
tkr -- If you're sensitive about such things, what happens when you test your turntable and it comes up with the wrong speed? Ship it back?Demand another one? And what's the chance of that next sample being right on?