

Responses from driver

Can sibilance be eliminated?
I have a CD only system & it has great detail that exhibits no sibilance but I wouldn't necessarily say that was a condition relegated to digital payback. Your system synergy (or lack of) will have a lot to do in determining what is the best d... 
Classic Rock Listener - Help me build my system
I find it interesting that sometimes somebody (in this case Stiltskin) has to say rock music (or any type of genre) isn't worth having good equipment to listen to. "dont spend alot of money on equiptment" I won't go into what I think saying it's a... 
Classic Rock Listener - Help me build my system
I also enjoy listening to music from that era which is the bulk of my collection but more important is the quality of sound you're getting & what you're hearing wouldn't differ much regardless of the genre.Before changing out any equipment I w... 
Pro Audio Amp Recommendations
If you really insist on pro audio for a home stereo, pick one w/o a fan. I'm not picky about what name is on the faceplate-I just want it to work when I turn it on. QSC has been very reliable but don't know what model would be best for your applic... 
What tattoo to get next?
For the audio theme, a VU meterFor the music theme, the RCA doggie 'Nipper' looking in the phonograph horn. 
Review: Luminous Audio Axiom Preamplifier
Even though I don't have a TT I asked about this and it will work very well if the phono system has enough output. Best to ask Tim at Luminous about your particular set-up.I also asked about having XLR jack's instead of the RCA's so I could use my... 
what amp with the vr-4's
I've had VR4 GenIII's for 2 years & started out with an Ayre V-3 & then upgraded to a V-5x. Both pieces are great performers but the V-5x does it better.Oz, I auditioned the VR2's in my house using the V-5x & wouldn't trade my 4's for ... 
Review: Luminous Audio Axiom Preamplifier
Not sure if you have to contact Tim at Luminous directly or can order through one of his dealers, but I would think dealing with Tim directly gives him the opportunity to set the values correctly for your particular gear. 
shotgun vs. bi-wire cables
More information here and also in the archives. 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
I won't get to get what I'm after Till the day I dieThe Seeker by The Who 
Your favorite recent discovery
Homesick James. Also heard Los Lonely Boys recently & will be picking that up soon. 
VenHaus Pulsar™ interconnects
I don't have any yet (ordering soon) but in conversations with Chris, think these will be excellent cables. 
Please help, obsessive audiophile question
The possibility exists that your hearing is better in your left ear over the right, so you need the balance adjusted to the right to compensate. I know in my case the left is better than the right. 
Is there a SS amp that can offer tube bliss?
Ayre is the most musical amp I've heard, plus their customer service is without a doubt one of the best I've dealt with. 
I have a confession to make
A guess here-you're in debt & buying a little audio here & there won't change the overall picture much, so you think. The audio thing is fine; it's the debt thing that's out of control. If it wasn't audio it'd be something else but since i...