
Responses from dgad

The Cartridgeman Isolater.
I don't want to sound critical of the isolator but the Koetsu cartridges love mass. The isolator does just that and it makes a huge difference. It is a wonderful solution when the tonearm is not the right match for the cartridge. I placed my Koets... 
Any experience with the new EMM CDSA SE ?
Henry,I haven't had the opportunity to hear the SE separates. Simply explained, they are basically the same except for very slight differences in power supplies (a single power supply used for both digital & analogue in the 1 box) and a single... 
Any Comparisons between VTL 7.5 & ARC Ref 3
Question, Is the ARC a tube power supply or a hybrid power supply? 
Any Comparisons between VTL 7.5 & ARC Ref 3
Everyone,I will need a lot of time. Breakin & all. It is a preamp which is the biggest pain to do a comparison. I will report back in a long while. 
Any experience with the new EMM CDSA SE ?
Now there is the reason for the price difference between the 1 box & separates. No matter as SACD is its strong suit above all and no SACD has a digital out that is not exclusive to themselves. I heard the 70K DCS setup. Very good but what you... 
Any experience with the new EMM CDSA SE ?
Henryhk,Too late. Spoke w. EMM. Each has a benefit & loss compared to the other. Hence balancing each other out. Lack of need for cables improves things on the CDSA. The separate power supplies is a benefit on the separates. Sonically there ar... 
Is the Ginko Cloud 11 the best isolation for a VPI
I am using the springs from the Promethean base. I highly recommend making the stand. Cost is about the same except for the shelves which you can purchase at home depot etc. I can jump next to my table while before I couldn't even walk lightly. Th... 
Top turntables?
I would say $3000 gets you a great cartridge. $2500-$4000 for an arm. The remainder for a turntable. Do you have a record cleaning machine, a good rack, and software - setup discs, high quality records? No rules, just a rough idea. 
Who is Michael Fremers'
Shane,I stopped listening to Vinyl these days. What??? Yes yes yes. Been busy w. a distraction where I don't want to pick up a stylus at the end of a record. How I love CD/SACD in those rare times. Truth be told, I just love the SQ, ZYX combo. The... 
Who is Michael Fremers'
I find that the reader must be intelligent enough to understand the listening bias of the reviewer and learn to read between the lines at times. I find most reviewers consistent to their biases. Certainly, some are gifted writers helping our hobby... 
DaVinci Tonearm
Logenn,The 10 vs 12 would be a Mass question in terms of cartridge matching. Also some cartridges work better in 12inch arms than 9 inch. I haven't but I would bet a cartridge that is very low compliance will benefit on the 12 inch. The Kuzma is r... 
Any experience with the new EMM CDSA SE ?
Anyone compare the the EMM Separates?? Is there is a difference in sound? I am curious as to CD & to SACD if there is a difference between the EMM Separates SE verision & the One box. 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
Audioblazer,With the digital control on the motor I doubt an aftermarket power cord will make a difference. I do use the grounding bolt on the side of the plinth below the platter to stop any static from affecting the motor & it does help. It ... 
Which would you choose- Lyra, Zyx or Benz for VPI
The Skala should be a great match for your arm from what I have been told by friends as well. Great for the money. You can spend more but the improvement will be very small. 
Brinkman Balance Comparisons
Audioblazer,The copper platter & Living voice mat are very very close. The other mats change the sound much more. The sound loses a touch of the dynamics w. the mat but also the treble rolls off but becomes more natural (so so so very slight)....