
Responses from devilboy

Melody Gardot coming to Philly
And yes, I should have posted this under "music". 
Melody Gardot coming to Philly
Donjr: I wish it was closer for you but hey, at least you're getting a chance to see her. She is truly amazing. Like I said, she has different arrangements live than what's on her albums. On one song, instead of playing the keys of the piano, she ... 
Recommended USB- SPDIF converter for Metrum Octave
Elberoth2: How do you change the buffer size? Do I go in Midi or something else? Is it done in PureMusic? I think PureMusic may be the problem I had with using my M2Tech HiFace2. So, buffer size in what? Where? 
So Many Apogees for sale, and so few takers
Gopher: Maybe in the winter months people go out less and spend less money which would make a February purchase possible, but I also think that income tax checks right around the corner has a lot to do with it also. 
Metrum Octave versus Eastern Electric DAC
Metrum Hex? What's that? 
So Many Apogees for sale, and so few takers
Maplegrovemusic: I agree. That certain someone has had annoying posts on this site for some time. It doesn't bother me that they disagree with someone, but the manner in which they do that gets on my nerves. It seems the majority of that person's ... 
Recommended USB- SPDIF converter for Metrum Octave
How do you change the buffer size? 
Recommended USB- SPDIF converter for Metrum Octave
Elberoth2: I had the latest HiFace2 and was getting very annoying clicks and pops. Sometimes I would get 1-2 second pauses in playback also. I' running PureMusic. Have you heard of anyone having these issues? So at the end of the day, which one do... 
Recommended USB- SPDIF converter for Metrum Octave
Lewinskih01 pretty much got it right. However, I think he may have meant, "outputting low jitter coax", which would then go to the DAC. I actually had two USB/SPDIF converters: one from Mapleshade and one from M2Tech. The Mapleshade needed a drive... 
Speakers to pair with a Red Wine Audio Sig 15
IMO, you really have the wrong amp for your musical tastes. With only 15 watts into 8 ohms, you've painted yourself into a corner regarding speaker options. I wouldn't have reservations playing jazz or chamber music on 15 watts, but you listen to ... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
omg. Lmao! I want this thread to stay alive as badly as comedians want four more years of George W. Bush. PO: I honestly believe you are out there....way out Pluto out there. Not because I disagree with what you say, but because you... 
Kimber Kable:Spker Cable: Which offers best sound?
I replaced Kimber Select 3035 speaker cable and the top Select interconnect with Crimson Cables at a fraction of the cost. YMMV. 
Your First System
1989, I was 14. Kenwood cdp, techniques turntable, Pioneer receiver, Advent BabyII speakers. And like the OP, I felt like the biggest badass on the block. 
PrimaLuna Dialog 2 User Review
Exactly what I meant Charles1dad. Well said. 
PrimaLuna Dialog 2 User Review
Also, as Mikirob said, the KT88 may be the way to go.