
Responses from devilboy

Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store
We as audiophiles have become so desensitized to outrageously high prices for equipment due to the reviews we read. How many times have you heard a reviewer say, "and at $10,000 this amplifier is actually a bargain". Come on man. If you have a pre... 
Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store
Roxy, how can you have the balls to say what you did? You should be ashamed of yourself. If OP walks into a store and says upfront, that he has no intention of buying right now and he just wants to look, what the hell else does he need to say? You... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Try this: 
Hegel Integrateds: Anyone using the internal DAC?
Will, thanks for the info....good to know.Well, I'm only four hours into my "new" Hegel H70 and I am very, VERY impressed. I'm most impressed with the beautiful midrange and tone of the amp. Wow! It has plenty of drive with my 89db, 6ohm speakers.... 
How quiet is your Rogue Sphinx?
Joekapahulu, you would be wise to. How is it that two regular guys like myself and the person I sold it to heard two different problems immediately but the pros who built the thing didn't after having it for five days? Thankfully Rogue is not char... 
How quiet is your Rogue Sphinx?
How quiet is your Rogue Sphinx?
From Simao: "Hell, my MLA Statement hybrid integrated (originally $11500) has some hum when it's on. Does it screw up the music?"Ummmm.....yes, it does. My Rogue had a hum so easily heard from the listening seat that it was actually distracting. A... 
How quiet is your Rogue Sphinx?
By the way, the gentleman who purchased my Rogue Sphinx had to send it back to Rogue less than one week after he got it. 
How quiet is your Rogue Sphinx?
Well here we go...I will never purchase another Rogue product. I purchased a used Sphinx and it was probably the most regretful purchase I ever made. In Rogue's defense, I never gave it enough time to fully break in (I bought it fairly new). I als... 
audiphile power cords
Geoffkait, Thanks for the idea. I'm over his place quite frequently. The next time I am, and we're both pounding some beers down,(and we always are), I'll bring up this subject and the notion of cables being directional. Oh boy, I can't wait for h... 
audiphile power cords
I have a friend who profoundly claims that wire is wire..... copper is copper and silver is silver, they all sound alike whether it's power cords, speaker cables or interconnects. I asked him what high end cables he has heard. He said none. If you... 
Wadia 151 Break-In
Hello. I've just purchased a 151 myself. I was curious of a couple of things. First, how has the 151 progressed for you since your last post. Second, most people will use 151 in a desktop system. Is this how you are using it, or is it in the main ... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
When you have a reoccurring nightmare about a component you foolishly sold. Over....and....over....and...over. 
You know you're an audiophile if--
LOL on True's post. 
Best cheap speaker cables............again
Sunnyjim, I'm a bit surprised as to why you had a problem contacting DNM. Yes, the site is more complicated than it needs to be....WITHOUT QUESTION! It certainly is a PITA. I put an order in with Denis with no problems whatsoever. When I received ...