
Responses from devilboy

cable advice
JW Audio. Give Zman a try. To say I'm thrilled is an understatement. I have his Reference ICs which include: Keith L. Eichmann RCAs Deep Cryogenic treatment 99.999 pure copper solid core I couldn't be happier.I have NO affiliation with him or JW A... 
Fake Audiophiles
True: Priority is how a system sounds, regardless of looks or low price tags.Fake: Priority is eye candy and expensive price tags which "verify" a system's performance. 
Importance of Amplifier versus Preamp?
IMO, if your system is passive preamp friendly, spend the majority of your $ on the amp. Great passives can be had/made on the cheap. 
some of the best speaker cables under $250
@ Audiolabyrinth: Thank you. How someone can have the gall to tell you that you won't be able to tell differences in making tweaks in your system, a system he's never heard before, is beyond me. Also, setting a price point to determine the worthin... 
some of the best speaker cables under $250
Mental, I guess you CAN figure out all one needs to know about someone from their username.Your remark about investing north of 50K on your system, or else all the "lil tweaks" would be a waste of money is totally absurd, arrogant and quite laugha... 
What's the greatest bargain in DAC's these days?
You may be very surprised at how natural sounding the Metrum Octave is (around $1,200 new). Finding one on the used market would be an even greater treat. I've spoken with more than a few people who ditched they're more expensive dacs in favor of ... 
Can anyone help me save my Kora Explorer 90Si
Aball repaired my Kora amp, but through a few phone calls, I found him to be pretty rude and arrogant. I guess if you need it fixed you will do what you have to do... 
Which integrated tube amp to go with which speaker
Open to other suggestions, you say? How about the Clones 25i? It's the integrated that made me realize how much like "hifi" instead of "natural", all my other amps sounded. 
some of the best speaker cables under $250
Yeah Mental, ridiculous statement. 
some of the best speaker cables under $250
JW Audio 
Review: EXACTPOWER EP15A Tweak
Steve, I am another person who is experiencing a loud "buzzing" from my Exactpower EP15A. I see that you haven't replied back to other members' posts. I'll try to PM you. 
Review: EXACTPOWER EP15A Tweak
Steve, I am another person who is experiencing a loud "buzzing" from my Exactpower EP15A. I see that you haven't replied back to other members' posts. I'll try to PM you. 
Inexpensive tube amp
You should strongly consider selling your preamp and interconnects and buying an $890 Clones integrated. 
Best Integrated, period.
At the $5,000 level I'll nominate the $870 Clones 25i. 
What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?
Not SET but the greatest bargain I've come across in amplification is the Clones 25i integrated. Best amp I've ever had.