
Responses from devilboy

Job Integrated Amp.
But hey, IF it is, I'd sell everything off and pocket the rest. 
Job Integrated Amp.
The preamp section of the INT is active but the biggest turnoff for me is its digital volume control. Plus, I believe it only has one input. Even if it had two inputs, the thought of digitizing my vinyl is a deal breaker for me. Personally. I thin... 
Latest Absolute Sound
@mmporsche: Understood. It's great that you were able to find those brands on your own at shows. However many audiophiles don't attend and depend on the magazines for exposure. That's all I meant.  I've been to the NY show 6 or 7 times, CES and Ro... 
Job Integrated Amp.
What I don't get is, Srajean said when fed a digital signal, the INTegrated is just as good as a Metrum Hex, passive pre, and the 225. In some ways, better. I have the Hex, Tortuga LDR passive and the 225.Now, I'm no scientist or engineer, but com... 
Latest Absolute Sound
Hey mmporsche, you've pretty much proven my point with your latest purchases. When someone reads a magazine such as Magico Monthly....(oops, sorry. Meant The Absolute Sound), all one hears about every month are Magico, Raidho, Wilson. Components l... 
If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you
Hey Schubert,  if you hit the lottery the first thing you can buy is a sense of humor. Lol. Lighten up a bit. I'm just playin. 
If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you
Thank you rocray! I've been waiting for that. 
If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you
Don't wanna sound like a jerk here but, charities will not be the first thing I think of if I hit for 1 billion dollars. All this "doctor's without borders" talk is NOT why I'm reading this thread.Come on guys. Say something.......I don't know....... 
Latest Absolute Sound
February issue has Constellation, Hegel and NAD Master Series.Gee, haven't ever seen those brands in TAS before.That rag is a disgrace.Like I said before, reading TAS is like being a spice enthusiast and reading about salt and pepper.Same old, sam... 
If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you
Hookers and cocaine.Hahaha! Just joking, but seriously....Uh...What was the question again? 
Latest Absolute Sound
The high prices of components in TAS doesn't bother me. However, TAS does an incredible disservice to the community by covering the SAME manufacturers over and over again.  It's disgraceful actually. I would love to know the percentage of brands c... 
How much do I have to spend?
If you're looking to stay somewhat high powered solid state, than look no further than a Job 225.Used, even better still. 
Recs for solid state integrated, $2-3,000 range
I'm going to separates so I just listed my Nuprime IDA-16. Holographic, big soundstage, with internal sabre dac.It really is a great piece. 
Recs for solid state integrated, $2-3,000 range
You said you're looking for powerful bass and good soundstaging and imaging.Look no further than the Nuprime IDA-16. 
Job Integrated Amp.
I almost pulled the trigger on the INTegrated. The thought of digitizing my vinyl turned me off though. Had a 225, foolishly sold it. Now I'm picking up a used 225 at FedEx this afternoon....(hee hee). I have a Tortuga LDR on order. I'm sure the I...