
Responses from devilboy

Job Integrated Amp.
I'm going to change my component list and pictures in my "virtual system" soon, just have to get time. I sold off so much stuff going to the INT that I actually have room in my rack for my tv's cable box. GASP!.....non audio related components in ... 
Job Integrated Amp.
Okay, let me try this one more time. For some reason audiogon isn't allowing me to type a response on my computer so I have to do it via cell phone. Forgive me in advance for any grammatical errors as I do not feel like going back in correcting my... 
best integrated amp.
Jesus. Wrong thread. 
Creek 5350SE - Is it all that?
Creek 5350SE - Is it all that?
I heard it and it's mediocore low fi at best.Look into the Clones 25ir.No affiliation, just a happy owner. 
Time for a new 2 channel amplifier - looking for suggestions
Aren't the Chorus ii efficient? Why do you need 100 watts? Personally, I'd go with a Clones Audio amp, or even Funjoe's integrated.One of the most impressive integrateds I've had.  
DAC recommendation in the $1k range
Someone in the know, told me the Klein dac is outstanding.$750, I think. 
Your favorite album cover...
I've always liked Tijuana Moods by Charlie Mingus.A two dollar Tijuana whore leaning up against a beautiful jukebox. 
Job Integrated Amp.
Good question, zizione.Also, I haven't forgotten about this thread. I will post my comparisons of the INT vs Hex, Tortuga and 225 soon. 
Job Integrated Amp.
My INT arrived and is burning in on the floor with a cdp on repeat.I will compare it to my current setup: Metrum Hex, Tortuga LDR passive and Job 225. Interconnects are Hidiamond D9 and D4.  I'm also demoing a John Hillig modified Hafler dh200 fro... 
Best Way to Spend ~ $2000 for System Improvement
Maybe sell your dac, preamp, amp, interconnects and one power cord and go with a Job INTegrated?I have a Job amp and it's fast and "punchy" like you wanted. At $1,700, not only will you not need money but you'll possibly pocket a few bucks. 
Will Changing my 100 Watt Tube Amp to a 200 Watt SS Amp Solve My Problem?
The Job 225 amp has an input sensitivity of .75v and gain of 35db.Problem solved? 
Job Integrated Amp.
I just put an order in for the INTegrated.  We'll see how it stacks up against my separates. 
Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?
I think audiophiles can't see the forest for the trees. We are constantly exposed to exorbitant prices for equipment. As a result, we've become so desensitized that we don't question the price on a $3,000 preamp, but instead scheme on getting the ... 
I want to introduce my nephew to hi end with your help!
Obviously meant God.Auto-correct on cell phone typed it for me.